August Reading Wrap Up

Readathons I had intended to participate, well I tried in most.

#AYearAThon, that was a big failure. That book did not even get started, and it was only one. Though luck. I will leave Emma for another occasion.

Used-book-a-thon. I did try though did not complete all the challenges not even a bingo line!
I managed to complete 8 challenges by reading 3 book so it was an ok week.

MY biggest success was the Magical Readathon I did complete it all, I had planned on reading a few extra books and that was not accomplished but regardless I di manage to score:
N.E.W.T.s grades:
O Arithmancy
O Charms
O Transfiguration
E Ancient Runes
I managed to complete 12 books I did end up changing some of the ebooks I had established as my TBR. I changed A swiftly tilting planet for Wild Blue Wonder by Carlie Sorosiak and Ranma 1/2 for Blue Exorcist by Kazue Kato but I did end up completing all the intended challenges. 

In total, I read 18 books that count for my yearly challenge and 2 extras that are too short that I did not want to count as part of my challenge. So in the overall, I am at 148 of my 2019 Reading Challenge. 

I did manage to get my hands on 2 Audios, I will start to get into Audios from now on again. 
I am after all start to pay for Scribd subscription again so I will use it up as much as possible.

I will leave a book unfinished and carry it on to September I did start to read the first say 10 pages the last of the month even when I knew I would not complete it in time, so yeah. 

Bellow, I will add some images of the stats we had this month:
