An Abundance of Katherines
Title: An Abundance of Katherines Author: John Green 228 paginas Date first published: 2006 So Colin Singleton is a prodigy not a genius. Difference: Prodigy learns very quickly what other people have already figured out. Geniuses discover that which no one elsa have discovered. He doesn't matter. He has dated 19 girls, he has a very specific type, not a body or ratial or anythiung like that. He dates K-A-T-H-E-R-I-N-E-S. He is a high school graduate. He just went to the celebration and his girlfriend, Katherine breaks up with him that day. He is devastated. Colin's one and only friend Hassan. He is a slightly more religius man than Colin. He is Islamic and always tried to convert Colin adn remind him he needs more God in his life and choices. They go on a road trip for the summer to get over Katherine. It is a simple, YA contemporary. Nohing much happens other than Collin get the crazy idea that he can make a mathemtical equation of love a...