To begin

So for starters I am very bad at keeping my writings a single language so it will be confusing but in order to practice I will leave this one in English. Let's see how that works out for me. 

There is really no purpose to this blog other than have my opinions about what I'm reading somewhere. I did try to do this before in paper but it never works out because writing on a notebook is bad for me for several reasons:

1. Can't place pictures really. I don't always post the picture of my books but sometimes I want to and can't because I don't have a color printer available to me. And printing a black and white picture of my book is not always very appealing.
2. Writing takes much more time than typing for me and usually I apply too much pressure on my paper when I write; even more when I'm exited about something, that my hand starts to hurt after a while and I can't complete my task in the end. Also because it takes too much time to write, thus my ideas fly away and I end up with half ideas of a lot of things and it does not make sense. In digital format at least I can return to certain parts of the "paper" and finish in coherent sentences my ideas.
3. I end up losing the notebook or more likely the piece of paper that has my ideas on and then I have nothing of the lovely experience of readin that book. 

So it is the end of the year and I want to start this blog on January so I can do the list of TBR and to be bought books and all that jazz. So for startes I will start by saying that I generally like to read physical books a lot more than digital ones but let's be honest most of the time I can't afford to buy as many as I can read. And sometimes I buy a lot of them and then take a while to read them so yeah. 

As of right now I'm the proud owner of 120 books, that might not sound as all that great amount to many people but my collection consisted of only 30 books at the begining of the year and that had taken me about 7 years of buying books. Obviously it is a huge difference to me. I started making much more of an effort to find the time and money to buy books lately and to read them.

It is December 19th 2017 and I ahve read this year alone 160 books mainly because I have to spend almost all of my time of the day at work. My job is not physically demanding really so and I have the opportunity of spending my free time as I wish as long as I stay there and pay attention to the people when they come in. I am working on a clinical laboratory which means that  as long as a patient is not there and I have finished processing the samples I have .... I have free time. Also I work on a pharmacy, so I have to give information, provide the medicine for  the prescription, answer or clarify instructions, make inventory of the stock we have, make a list of things we might need to reorder and other fun stuff like that, so when I am done with it I can read on my spare time. Believe it or not, the little 5 minutes, 3 minutes between one person and the next make a huge difference at the end of the day. Sometimes like yesterday I had a lot of people coming in on my shift and onle made like 30 page advanc on my book but I did make have over 40 patients and considering some just keep asking me question after question and not buying they do take a lot of my time and I only had to work in the pharmacy until 6. Oh well it really doens't matter as long as I manage to read for a bit even if a small amount of pages that I got in, I will be glad for them.

So because  after a while my job became repetitive and the more practice I have I'm faster and because I am not in a super extremely busy area, then I managed to read so much more this year than all my previous ones. Also it is taking me less time to get through books than it used to. 

On 2016 I read around 20 books all year maybe. This year I manage to read 8 times that; my total is 160 so far. My previous years I was always super busy. I had to work, I had classes and well that took up most of my time. So now, this is the second year after I graduated and I'm working on my field finally, on the things I love doing mostly.... nothing is perfect. But I love my job and I have reached an equlibrium and mostly since my boyfriend and I broke up I had a lot of time for reading, I went from reading 4 books a month to reading over 10, some I read 20 in one month so yeah. I don't think I will be able to read as much as this coming year but I will surely try to read because I like it.


1. My reading challenge for 2018 will be 78 books. In orther words, (this is for my future self) I will read between one and two books per week that sounds very reasonable. 
2. I will write about each book. For several reasons I will not say I'll review the books. One I do not know how to make those reviews, not really I will simply give my opinion on the book. mostly when I'm done reading and sometimes as I am reading I ramble on and on about a book. Among my family and friends, there is really not many who enjoy reading and my sister, the only honest opinion I can get, says that she is not in the least interested on hearing me ramble on and on about my books. She allows a few minutes each day of my rambling before shutting me up, so most if the time I still feel the need to vent that out somewhere. So it will be done here.
3. I must reread (is it a word?) 20 books that I already own. Those will be not counted on the 78 for the reading challenge.  If I find myself changing my mind on them or whatever I can still write about them and give my opinion. I will not be "repeating" any entry for the simple fact that even if I already had a formulated opinion on the book, well I never placed it here so no problem. My plan is to reread 1 or 2 books per month. 
4. Diversify my reading. Mostly before I only read things that caught my attention, fantasy, sci-fi mostly YA books. But now I want to broaden my reading. I stated reading poetry and some non-fiction books. Also I started to read the classics because oh the shame, most of them I have not read. I have still yet t read mst of Jane Austen's book, Edgar Allan Poe I need to read some of his stories, read the Grimm fairytales.... oh boy I do need to catch upon many.


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