
Title: Prodigy
Author: Marie Lu
374 pages
Date published: January 2013

It is the second book of the Trilogy Legend. So here we have June and Day after they escape from the escape from the execution. .... Well I have to admit Marie Lu is an awesme writer. The way things unravel in the story just makes you anxious, you MUST make it to the end. It is infuriating the way things go simultaneaously too slow and too many revelations at the same time.

I just feel like we need to see how it unfolds in order to see really what is going on. Who is the right person to back? Is it the Patriots and Razor? Whom you feel  are hiding something? Is it the Elector.... or is he manipulating the situation? 

It is confusing and alluring, you feel so conected to the story you feel their conflicting loyalties and beliefs as your own.

So let's recap:

After joining the Patriots and aggreeing to help them, they get their mission: Assasinate the Elector. Part one and two of the plan go perfect but then June starts to second guess the Patriost's plan. Maybe they could make the change from within. The question is wether or not to do it, to proceed with the plan or back away from it. June is worried about Day, if she sabotages the Patriot's plan from a far Day will be in danger. So what to do.....

Even if things go south Day is still loyal and he trust June and they escape together to the Colonies, but what awaits them on the other side they have no idea. Day "knows" only the things he remember his father speaking about the Colonies, the perfect world full of opportunities and wonder. Yet the things June knows are almost mainly lies that the Republic has told it's people. 

When something's too good to be true, its probaby because it isn't. When they arrive at the Colonies the couple realizes it. It looks awesome on the surface but there's always something deeper. 

This ended up being very alluring; had I had time I think this book would have been done in a single day. But as it was I took a lot of breaks while reading it but oh well. I gave it a 4 out of 5 stars, it is very good, the story catches you're interest almost immidiately. You start to care more about the characters so their pains and gains mean more and more as the story progresses. 
