
Title: Legend
Author: Marie Lu
305 pages 
Date published November 2011.

As usual this is not a very recent release but I was intrigued by the book description and because well I just saw that it was a complete series and I wanted to start noly those that were complete.

Book description:

From different worlds, June and Day have no reason to cross paths...
Until June's brother is murdered, and Day becomes the prime suspect.
In a shocking turn of events, the two uncover what has really brought them together, and the sinister lengths to which their country will go to keep its secrets.

This is a dystopian YA book, let's face it we just can't have enough of them. So the ain characters are June and Day.

June is a second dauther born into a good enough family. She takes the Trial, which is a test of several aspects, health, physical endurance and intellectual. She gets a perfect score on her written test and is considered a prodigy. She lives with her sole family member, her brother Matias. She gets accepted into the school to be trained to be a soldier. She is reckless and a smart ass and always gets in trouble at her school. Matias is trying to make her see reason but he's not overly strict with her.

Thomas is the second in command of Matias, his best friend and is always there looking out for June as well.

Day is the middle son of a poor family. When he took his test he 'failed' so he was taken to the labor camps or something like that; he does not make it there for reasons not disclosed as of yet.  Day ends up living on the street making himself a nuiseance of the goverment, stealing from them and making disasters where he can. He is the most sought after man on the Repulic but they do not know much of anything about him, his age, what he looks like or anything. His family live in the Lake sector. He stays close by and aids them when he can, only his brother John knows he is still alive, the youngest brother and the mother are unaware. 

This is a nice easy read. It is well written and understandable, the universe is not overly complicated that you can just fly through it. The very 20 pages or so, where the characters are being introdced were not as eye catching as I would have hoped but soon you get hooked.  

Yes you get hooked! 

The governet lies, no surprise there but it isn't easy to accept when you have been raised to believe the Republic does nothing wrong and to feel pride and honor to serve it. 

I just love this book, the main character June is relatable and she makes decisions based on feelings almost throughout the whole book but never makes me dislike her. I also realy like Day, Daniel he is a smart sassy character. 

I gave this a 4.5 out of 5 stars. 
