A Book a Week With the Pingel Sisters

So this month I had picked several prompts according to the # weeks that we are going on. I total we read only 4 out of the five books we intended but that's ok. I was not able to get through the #13 ... Just as I was checking the number of weeks and I noticed that I had a small miscalculation. 

Week 13 is from March 25- to 31
And I assumed this was week 15 and yet I am ahead so I am not really bad. I will change the 13 and read it next month and still, I won't be behind. 

For week 11 I picked: Pinocchio by Calo Collodi for the Children's classic.
This story I had not even looked up the original I barely knew of the Disney version. 
It is as most classics full of unpleasantries. I had a strong dislike for the puppet, he was an awful individual and always made very poor decisions. I do not know why the fairy would continue to want to help him not even after everything he did was be an awful person to his father. 
The way he treated the cricket, well what can we say, it is understandable that it was taken out of the children's movie. I liked the character development, in the end making the puppet be so awful and then see the growth it made even a bigger impression. 
Geppetto was a small part of the story but his presence was felt throughout most of it even if he was absent.
I ended up enjoying it more than I had anticipated even if I ended really disliking Pinocchio. 

For week 12: The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks
Reason 1 to pick this book is that the previous books I have read of Sparks were very good in my opinion they feel real and the love stories generally are engaging. Reason 2 I found the book on sale and my new goal of reading more of my bought books before buying more XD
Moving on, the book relates the summer Ronnie is forced to spend with her father. She is a typical moody teen who is trying to rebel because she feels betrayed by her father for leaving them(her family and her)  after the divorce. 
The way she behaves is annoying yet very realistic. A lot of the time she is overreacting not only in regards to her family but to the other relationships on her life such as friendships or romantic. But then again, it comes off as a very realistic way people can behave in the specific situations she was facing. 
I really enjoyed reading it. 

For week 14 I picked Paperweight by Meg Haston.
A YA contemporary dealing with eating disorders and very emotional situations. It has a main character that is facing the loss of her family in several ways, struggling with eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, and acceptance of her sexuality. 
It is a short book that I was not really able to read as fast as I usually do for the simple fact of the topics it covers. 

For the 15th week, I picked the first book in a trilogy called El dueƱo de las sombras (The lord of shadows) by Care Santos it ended up being a very nice surprise. The narrator was something I had trouble getting the hang of because it was hard to pinpoint who it was doing it. But then when it became clear who it was, it made the reading experience even better. It is easy to read; with little mystery, a little paranormal, a little family feud. It is really a well-rounded story but it does feel very incomplete. It is giving us the introduction to a family, we learn the way several generations face a single enemy/benefactor whichever way you choose to see it. 
This is the type of trilogies where you need to read the next book right away because the story feels so small still, you got the intro but now you need to know what happens next the story feel like very little has happened in the original story and yet you got so many stories... It does provide several generations so you have a lot of insight into the possible outcomes and then bam you know that what comes next is very different to what had happened until then. Too bad I do not have the next book. 


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