Reading Slump

The me right now doesn't even know where to look or what to do:

So this is the middle of the month and I am still feeling the slump. Since mid-February I noticed my will to read diminishing. 

I tried to set a schedule to read, and that seemed to help me get through the first two readathons of the month but I read only 3 books in that time, and reading 3 books in 7 days that's not exactly a good pace for the norm of my reading.... 

It is already the 13th and I am still reading the three books I picked up right after finishing the Wyrdathon and #YearAThon.

I have been so demotivated that I haven't even made myself review any of the few books I finished. Heck, I did not even review all of the ones I read in February!


  1. So in most cases the advices people give for beating the reading slumps is to:
    1-Pick something short
    2-Spice things up, cahge the format or genre. This is hard to do because I have been trying to diversify my reading by trying a few differnets genres and formats each month so next.
    3-REread an old favorite. This worked for last month, I picked the Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater and that helped me out towards the end.

    So plan for now: I will try to finish the two books I am currently working on and if that does not work, jump right into a reread of something I really like before trying to retake my TBR for March


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