June TBR

There are plenty of books I'm carrying over from last month. So let's begin

A book a week with the Pingel Sisters:

  1. Book bought in a Thrift Shop. HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban
  2. The second book in a trilogy. Pandemonium, Lauren Oliver
  3. Historical Fiction from a favorite time period. Salt to the sea, Ruta Sepetys
From GR Choice award winners 2018 Challenge
4. Still Me, Jojo Moyes

From Calendar of Crime
5. April. Death at the Wheel, Kate Flora

So those are the books that we´re carrying over, the other we will leave alone until next time I feel like getting back to huge TBRs. For now, we have to try to build small manageable TBR, big ones are not working at all. 

So for June we have:

A book a week with the Pingel Sisters
23. A Classic you've never read. 
Emma, Jane Austen
24. A book that will keep you up all night.
The Son of Neptune, Rick Riordan
25. 2018 Bestseller
Girl Wash Your Face, Rachel Hollis

Calendar of Crime a book published in June We have:
Ink and Bone by Lisa Unger

For this month I will not add any new one for GR Choice award winners 2018, because I don't think I can handle a bog TBR so this month we will only have these ones ane the ones mentioned in the Buzzword Readathon, that will be my full TBR. 


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