Prompt: Time

 For Buzzwordathon the first week of March the prompt was time and I managed to read a few books I wanted to get to for my own personal improvement. 

The first book I picked up was: 

Tick Tock Time Management: How to Improve Time Management Skills and Stop Procrastination When Your Time Really Counts!
Author: Instafo
Genre: Nonfiction, Self-Help
Original publication date: August 10, 2017
Book description:
What fortune awaits you with "Tick Tock Time Management"?
* How to overcome procrastination to never fall behind on anything again.
* How to organize time to always stay on top of everything that you do.
* How to develop self-discipline to finish whatever you must get done.
* How to test your time management skills to truly become a time master.
* How to maintain time every day habitually to make it a part of who you are.
And a whole lot more you shall be blessed with.
Regardless if time can never be bought back, you can always manage it better like your life depends on it...because tick tock...your time is nearly up to take action. Disarm your ticking time bomb and use it to propel you to effectively conquer any task at hand.
May fortune smiles down upon you.


It is very short and easy to read. that in itself makes it feel like such a success, you can tackle and cross out the first book read in the month in a single sitting if you wish. Be mindful this is not something mind blogging or a secret super effective recipe to change yourself in a single day!
It includes very simple and easy examples, again it is something you can easily come up with logic and common sense. The idea of this type of book is to provide inspiration. I did get this book via Scribd so I am not paying for this specific book and it does not feel like a waste of money, but if you are buying a book on time management tips, you might want to make sure this is on sale.
Fact: this is a very common issue, it is hard to find an insightful book that does not mention things you have heard before. 
I enjoyed my time with it but it is not something that will stand out too much after we are done with it.
I gave this:

The other book I picked up was also from Scribd in ebook format (the first one was in Audiobook format).

Time Control: How to Stop Time Destroyers, Eliminate Procrastination, Create an Effective Schedule

Author: Justin Byers
Genre: Nonfiction, Self-Help
Original publication date: November 10, 2011
Book description: 
You’ll learn:- Very easy techniques that you can use to increase your productivity, leading you to a less-stressful day
- What causes procrastination, how to avoid getting sucked into the procrastination trap, and how to stop procrastination completely
- How to plan a daily schedule which will include time to accomplish both your short term and long term goals
- Methods to make sure that at the end of each day you accomplish what you wanted, while having more time to do what you really want to do
- How to not let temporary setbacks, delays, or just plain misfortune bother you if you miss accomplishing something
- Easy time-wasters to eliminate from your day, giving you even more time to accomplish what you want
You’ll marvel at the simple yet powerful techniques which will dramatically change how you deal with your days. Get what YOU want out of YOUR day by picking up “Time Control: How to Stop Time Destroyers, Eliminate Procrastination, Create an Effective Schedule and Reclaim Your Life” today!
As you can see this boo is also available on Kindle, both of the books are a bit older, published in the early 2000s so that also makes them more available on multiple platforms. Justin does give us a bit more examples that we can use in our own lives and easily adaptable. It is mainly focused on working a 9 to 5 office or office work. It is a very useful idea, if you have it in digital format it's useful to make notes and come back to it for a few more ideas.
Again it's not groundbreaking and you can easily find this same advice elsewhere but is useful to have it in a single place. It another one of those easy-to-read with a very straightforward writing style. 
I am not a big nonfiction or self-help reader so it might be useless to try to review it, as I am not very clear on my ideas. But oh well this is self-help and trying to improve yourself is not something we can grade ourselves on. 
I had a good time and this book served its purpose, it provides ideas and inspiration and hopefully, I will put some into practice in my everyday life. 
I gave this a 

If anyone has ideas or recommendations on other books on time management or effectivity feel free to let me know. I am always trying to get my hands on new ideas, with so many repetitions hitting me over the head I will have to eventually put them into practice.

See you guys later, stay safe and healthy!


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