
Author: Benito Perez Galdos 

Genre: Classic Fiction
Published: 1878

This is a classic reading that many schools make you read as required reading in high school in Mexico, except that in my school this one was not part of it. 
So I found the audiobook and decided to give it a try.

It is a book about a very unfortunate orphan girl living in a small cruel town. She is mistreated by all, told time and time again she is a waste of space and worthless. She also considers herself worthless and ugly, never seeing kindness from anyone her whole life. Then she has a new job, being the companion of a young blind teen. He is convinced that she is the most beautiful girl because of the kindness she possesses. 
A few new developments take place and the true colors of the kind young man come up.
He is a vain little liar, flimsy and only having passing interest on people dismissing them very soon after. 
Most of the people portrayed here are elitist, caring only about the class and looking down on others because they are less than themselves because of course, they are below them in every sense (-.-) I really dislike that mentality. It seemed very exaggerated the point they make to make the girls behave like proper young ladies doing charity by throwing money and balls to make them be seen but looking down on actually helping those in more unfortunate life. It really makes no sense.
Marianela was portrayed as a very naive girl with very low self-esteem who places too much care on the very first person who ever shows interest and kindness towards her. She was very innocent in that regard and refused to see other options for her life.

It has drama and it makes you boil as you read about the life she was leading and the way people treated her. 

1. Beauty is not the same as good people.
2. People who value beauty above all are not trustworthy.
3. Most importantly, you should not value your worth only based on beauty. 
As the good doctor tries to convince Marianela: most people are not beautiful but that doesn't mean they are worthless and definitely do not mean they can give up on life for that one reason.  
