The Anti-Christ

Author: Friedrich Nietzsche
Genre: Classics, Nonfiction
First Published: 1895
Book description (from Amazon): The Anti-Christ, wherein Nietzsche attacks Christianity as a blight on humanity. This classic is essential reading for anyone wishing to understand Nietzsche and his place within the history of philosophy. "We should not deck out and embellish Christianity: it has waged a war to the death against this higher type of man, it has put all the deepest instincts of this type under its ban, it has developed its concept of evil, of the Evil One himself, out of these instincts-the strong man as the typical reprobate, the 'outcast among men.' Christianity has taken the part of all the weak, the low, the botched; it has made an ideal out of antagonism to all the self-preservative instincts of sound life; it has corrupted even the faculties of those natures that are intellectually most vigorous, by representing the highest intellectual values as sinful, as misleading, as full of temptation. The most lamentable example: the corruption of Pascal, who believed that his intellect had been destroyed by original sin, whereas it was actually destroyed by Christianity!" -Friedrich Nietzsche.


I strongly dislike it. 

This is a rant laden on insults against Christ and religion itself. It also has a strong sexist ideology which I fully disagree with. 
In this piece/collection of writing Nietzsche expresses his opinion, which everyone is entitled to have but still do not have all that much to back them up. 

I am not a religious person myself and believe that most religions are overly convenient to those in power inside of their organization. In most cases, the religious take a few base ideas and then blow it way overboard and make it extremist. 

Even if I do not believe in the saints, and such the way expressed by Nietzsche .... I have issues with it. He has strong opinions and the way he writes is interesting and passionate but ultimately I do not like it.

Cannot say this is a bad book, because the writing reflects the passion and undoubted belief, it has passed the test of time. I simply do not like it and my personal belief overshadow the rest, maybe that's the whole problem, I would need to reread this book in a later date. This time instead of listening to it, I might need to get a physical copy and see what my feelings about it are. 


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