
Showing posts from March, 2018

Books of March

Goal: 21 books Goal to buy ZERO books Actually bought 16 books From my readings this month I picked Physical books: 12 Audiobooks: 6 Digital version: 5  Peter Pan J.M. Barrie Audio book Start March 1 Finish March 3 Milk and Honey Rupi Kaur 204 pages Start and Finish March 1 Snow like Ashes Sara Raasch  416 pages Start March 1 Finish March 3 Black Beauty Anna Sewell Audiobook Start March 4 Finish March 5 I Hope This Reaches her In Time R.H. Sin 78 pages Start and Finish March 5 El Arma de Oro  Natalia de Jesus 448 pages Start March 6 Finish March 10 The Colors of Space Marion Zimmer Bradley AUDIOBOOK Start March 6 Finish March 7 I wrote this for you Iain S. Thomas 196 pages Start March 6 Finish March 7 Life in a Thousand Worlds Willian Shuler Harris Audiobook Start March 7 Finish March 9 Epopeya de Gilgamesh Start March 10 Finish March 11 A Little Princess Frances Hodson Burnet Audiobook Start...

Epopeya de Gilgamesh

Esta obra la escuche en una clase de Literatura Mundial. Segun expertos es la escritura mas antigua. Por pura y mera curiosidad la empece a buscar en Amazon para ver si era posible comprarlo o no.  Tambien es conocido como el Poema de Gilgamesh es una narración de la Mesopotamia de origen sumerio, considerada como la narración escrita más antigua de la historia. Se emplearon tablillas de arcilla y escritura cuneiforme, lo cual favoreció su preservación. La versión más completa preservada hasta la actualidad consta de doce tablillas. La obra es muy leída en traducciones a diversos idiomas y el héroe, Gilgamesh, ha pasado a ser un icono de la cultura popular. A decir la verdad en lo personal nunca lo habia escuchado mencionado en ningun lado. Es mas que nada habla de mi falta de conocimiento en cultura general, y no un reflejo de la popularidad de la obra en si. El poema trata sobre las aventuras del rey Gilgamesh, también conocido como Istubar, y su amigo Enkidu. Una de ...

El Arma de Oro

Por;  Natalia de Jesus Genero:  Descripcion del libro: Con la tierra invadida por criaturas fantásticas de las que se pensaba que eran solo producto de la mente de las personas, la raza humana estuvo a punto de extinguirse con la única solución de refugiarse bajo domos junto a la protección de sus guardianes. Zeva, no es más que una chica híbrida y adoptada quien ha vivido bajo el domo durante toda su vida, soñando con la libertad de poder adentrarse en la profundidades de lo que hay afuera. Cuando lo logra, comienza a vivir aventuras que la ayudan a descubrir que hay más criaturas y lugares de las que ya se conocían, y descubre el dolor de que solo ha sido un títere que siempre estuvo controlado. ¿Será ella tan valiosa como le dicen? ¿Será que la invasión nunca terminó? ¿Será que enamorarse de una persona conectada a su pasado será aún más peligroso? Lo único seguro es que ella no es quién pensaba, y el mundo tampoco. Mi opinión: Es una historia que empieza un poco len...

A Little Princes

By Frances Hodson Burnett Genre: Classic children  Date published: 1905 Book Description:  Sara Crewe, an exceptionally intelligent and imaginative student at Miss Minchin's Select Seminary for Young Ladies, is devastated when her adored, indulgent father dies. Now penniless and banished to a room in the attic, Sara is demeaned, abused, and forced to work as a servant. How this resourceful girl's fortunes change again is at the center of A Little Princess, one of the best-loved stories in all of children's literature. My thoughts: I heard another audiobook in Liverbox of course. The narrator and the story are noteworthy. It is a nicely told tale, the story is kind of cliché because there is always a nice little girl, orphaned like so many other stories I have come across in different means be it movies, books or cartoons... Oh well, but it is a nice story. Sara is a likable girl, Becky the servant girl she befriends and works alongside. The woman who ends up as S...

Life in a Thousad Worlds

By W. S. Harris  Date Published: 1905 Genre: Sci-fi Book Description: A jolly romp, which could be perhaps be described as Gulliver's Travels through our Solar System and Beyond, as written by a great admirer of C.S. Lewis, on a rainy Sunday afternoon, after one too many mugs of cocoa. Includes some thought on alien philosophies and how to apply them to moral and social problems here on planet Earth.  My thoughts: It is a very peculiar sci-fi. It is very old sci-fi and it shows an amazing imagination to give unique properties to several worlds, giving them beings nothing like humans aspect yet they all had a few similarities: Every world is had a strong belief most of the time of religion and they all believed that there was a single sole creator and a sole heaven where the righteous would be after their death. I like the way the worlds were so different and the technological advances they possessed were interesting. My one complain is the ...

I wrote this for you

by Iain S. Thomas Date published December 2011 Book Description: I need you to understand something I wrote this for you. I wrote this for you and only you- Everyone else who reads it, doesn't get it. They may think they get it, but they don't. This is the sign you've been looking for. You were meant to read these words. My thoughts:  I like the pictures and the little thoughts and poems. I found the pictures not as relatable to the words in some cases but each as separate beings themselves were pretty good. It is easy to relate to the small little poems. They are pretty good and I can see myself reading them several times. They deserve to be enjoyed over time. You never know each time depending on your current mood you find new favorites or get reasons to smile or cry over. That is the joy of poetry it makes you feel or releases feelings you have been ignoring.

The Colors of Space

by Marion Zimmer Bradley Date published 1963 Book description: unimportant. I just picked this beause it sounds like a nice Sci-Fi to try. The story is fast moved and is full of intrigue of not knowing really who the real enemy is and how to defeat them. The way this story is wraps up is something I really like. It gives you important life lessons: 1. You need to communicate in order to really work well with others. 2. Acceptance is beyond simply cordial co-existance. 3. Beyond color of skin and shape of your face or other peculiarities of looks, everyone is the same. It is a nice book, people should definately read it and to top it off it's free so that's a big plus.  It's a nice and easy to read book. I gave it a nice 4 out of 5 stars. It does help to get out of a reading slump because its a fast read and it gives you a nice sense of acomplishment to get books done. :)

Black Beauty

by Anna Sewell Date Published: Marh 2003 Book description:  Black Beauty spends his youth in a loving home, surrounded by friends and cared for by his owners. But when circumstances change, he learns that not all humans are so kind. Passed from hand to hand, Black Beauty witnesses love and cruelty, wealth and poverty, friendship and hardship . . . Will the handsome horse ever find a happy and lasting home? My thoughts: I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it, it is a nice change to have a book told from the P.O.V. of a horse. It is true that they are the beings that suffer the most, they are bred, raised and trained. But they have no control over their lives: they do not control how to act, where to go, how to stand and not even when to rest.  I felt it nice and refreshing. I gave this in 4.5 out of 5 stars. 

I Hope This Reches Her in Time

By R.H. Sin Genre Poetry Date published: November 2017 I did not find a book description of this and because I never know what the book is bout before reading it, well I just bought it to try to get more poetry into my picks.  I really liked this book, the cover is interesting like abstract art calling to you to pick it up and so I did. I had not realized this was the author of the poetry collection that one of the youtubers I follow. Had I known I would have picked another one of the collections, but I'm glad I picked this one. I really liked the concept, the message and the writing style. I still feel that it was a bit on the short side for the most part but the content in itself made up for that. I gave this 4 out of 5 stars. I think this one of my favorite poetry books so far.  Again, I am still learning about poetry and have a long way to go so maybe after seeing other people's work I will come to like this one less like I have seen it happen to other peopl ...

Snow like Ashes

by Sara Raasch Genre: Fantasy Date published: October 2014. Book Description:  Sixteen years ago the Kingdom of Winter was conquered and its citizens enslaved, leaving them without magic or a monarch. Now, the Winterians’ only hope for freedom is the eight survivors who managed to escape, and who have been waiting for the opportunity to steal back Winter’s magic and rebuild the kingdom ever since. Orphaned as an infant during Winter’s defeat, Meira has lived her whole life as a refugee, raised by the Winterians’ general, Sir. Training to be a warrior—and desperately in love with her best friend, and future king, Mather — she would do anything to help her kingdom rise to power again. So when scouts discover the location of the ancient locket that can restore Winter’s magic, Meira decides to go after it herself. Finally, she’s scaling towers, fighting enemy soldiers, just as she’s always dreamed she would. But the mission doesn’t go as planned, and Meira soon finds herself thru...

Peter Pan

by J.M. Barrie  First published: 1904 There is no need to discuss the book description because come on people get this references in everywhere books, tv, movies etc. So not knowing the original story is kind of sad for me. I decided to try reading the book and by reading I mean taking advantage of liverbox and its free audiobooks.  I really like the narrator, it's a very reliable and funny narrator because it even talks to you about why we follow either Peter or the lost boys or the other dwellers of the Island of Never Land. I don't know really how to describe but most of the story you already know, it is placed in almost every Peter Pan movie or cartoon but you get a lot of details missing from other works based on it. I read first Peter Pan in Scarlet and did not like it as much but at the time I had nothing concrete to compare it to so it was simply ok and it did not inspire me to look for more than works based on it. I know it isn't the only work based on Pe...

Milk And Honey

By Rupi Kaur Genre: Poetry Date first published: Octuber 6th, 2015 My thoughts: So it is divided on 4 parts: HURTING, LOVING, BREAKING and HEALING: For starters you already know that the first part is going to be depressing, I was mentally prepared for that. #1. I dislike sexual content in most things be it in films, movies, shows, writing, whatever. If it isn't consensual; actually be if it doens't go into detail or does little more than a slight reference to it (non-consensual in any way) it still fills me with dread and makes the whole thing uncomfortable to watch or read.  Back to the book. I did not like the way it made me feel. It's not so much as poetry in my opinion but a collection of thoughts that spiral downwards towards darker feelings. That feeling I get I'm not sure if it is the writing style that does not necesarily classify as poetry in my opinion or because of the topics it deals with. It moves from those topics of darkness and unto other th...

March TBR
