Black Beauty

by Anna Sewell
Date Published: Marh 2003
Book description: Black Beauty spends his youth in a loving home, surrounded by friends and cared for by his owners. But when circumstances change, he learns that not all humans are so kind. Passed from hand to hand, Black Beauty witnesses love and cruelty, wealth and poverty, friendship and hardship . . . Will the handsome horse ever find a happy and lasting home?

My thoughts:

I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it, it is a nice change to have a book told from the P.O.V. of a horse.
It is true that they are the beings that suffer the most, they are bred, raised and trained. But they have no control over their lives: they do not control how to act, where to go, how to stand and not even when to rest. 

I felt it nice and refreshing. I gave this in 4.5 out of 5 stars. 


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