Life in a Thousad Worlds

By W. S. Harris 
Date Published: 1905
Genre: Sci-fi
Book Description: A jolly romp, which could be perhaps be described as Gulliver's Travels through our Solar System and Beyond, as written by a great admirer of C.S. Lewis, on a rainy Sunday afternoon, after one too many mugs of cocoa. Includes some thought on alien philosophies and how to apply them to moral and social problems here on planet Earth. 

My thoughts:

It is a very peculiar sci-fi. It is very old sci-fi and it shows an amazing imagination to give unique properties to several worlds, giving them beings nothing like humans aspect yet they all had a few similarities:
Every world is had a strong belief most of the time of religion and they all believed that there was a single sole creator and a sole heaven where the righteous would be after their death.
I like the way the worlds were so different and the technological advances they possessed were interesting.
My one complain is the heavily religious ideas found in the story. But it gave the book a nice touch and it is according to the time it was written, it was after all first published over 110 years ago.  So it makes sense that people thought only God to have the power to transport beings from one point in the universe to another. 

I liked it enough. I gave it 3.0 stars out of 5. It was a nice entertaining read and relatively easy to get through. 


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