August TBR

There are only 3 readathons taking place this month that I wish to participate in. So lest begin planning them.
It is a bit on to the month so we need to catch up to those few first days. Let's try our hardest if possible!

I. Usead-a-bookathon
Duration 3-9
Creator/Host: Kayla-literature-reads and Peacelovebooks
Aouncement video here and here

So for this we will try to read:

Book< than $2 and from you favorite sed book store
The Analyst, John Katzenbach
A damaged book and the first in a series
The Fellowship of the ring, J.R.R Tolkein
A romance
Wild blue wonder, Carlie Sorosiak
10 years or older and New to you author
The book of the dead, Patricia Cornwell
Cover Change
Someone to watch over me, Judith McNaught
Read after 8 pm
Society, Michael Palmer
Takes place in another country, this if applying it compared to my home country could be any of them but if it means another country not USA well still trying to find one XD
Might go to the used book store and pick up another book maybe a local or Latin American/Spanish author to read it for this prompt, we'll see. 
The donate a book, I will give one to my niece this coming few weeks but it will fall the very day after the readathon ends, not sure if that counts XD
Read by candlelight, will see which one we pick for this one, probably the Society again. 

II. AYearAThon
Duration: 5-11
Ke-sha @ theforsaken707 (
Alyssa @ ACReads (
Kristina @ ThePrincessGummyBear
Kerri @ KerriTheBookBelle
Katie @ Kitkatscanread

Challenge: Read the 5th book on your TBR
So for this one I went to GoodReads and took a look in my To be Read shelf, started to count them from bottom to top and the lucky one is:
Emma, Jane Austen

So we'll see if we actually get it done!

III. Magical Readathon N.E.W.T.s 2019
Creator: Book Roast
Duration 1-31

Magical recommendations of best books from OWLs 2019 
In white background:

Chosen Carrer: Metal Charmer

Acceptable: Passed 2 Exams
Exceed Expectations: passed 6 exams
Outstanding passed 9 exams

O.W.L Requirements
Ancient Runes
+ 2 more subjects

This was accomplished previously in April 

So now for the N.E.W.T.s requirements

E-Ancient Runes

Ancient Runes

A. Ehwaz (Partnership)
Read recommended by a friend
The Vicious Deep, Zoraida Cordova

E. Book Written in past tense.
The House of Scorpion, Nancy Farmer

If I finish all of the mandatory tests I can try as well the one for O. Book that has been on your TBR for ages. 
Little broken things, Nicole Bart


A. A book that ends on an even number page.
Inuyasha vol 4 Rumiko Takahashi

E. Read a stand alone 
The Society, Michael Palmer

O. A book that's longer than 350 pages
El Prisionero del Cielo, Carlos Ruiz Zafon


A. Read a book you think has a gorgeous cover.
A Swiftly Tiltin Planet, Madeleine L'Engle

E. Read a comic/graphic novel/ manga (or book under 150 pages)
Ranma 1/2 vol. 4, Rumiko Takahashi

O. Spongify (Softening charm)
Read a paperback book
Something wicked this way comes, Ray Bradbury


A. A book that's back under the dust jacket.
Fool me twice, Robert B. Parker and Michael Brandman

Extras if I have time after accomplishing them all.
E. Gilde Roy's memory charm
The first book you remember just now from your TBR.
Truthwitch, Susan Dennard

O. Cornish pixie!
Swatt away with a book written by an English author or set in England.
The 13th Tale, Diane Setterfield.


A. Read a book with LGBTQA+ rep
Something like winter, Jay Bell

E. Read a book that's not the first in a series.
Sakura Cardcaptor Deluxe Clamp

O. Read a book over 500 pages
The house f Hades, Rick Riordan


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