The Analyst

Author: John Katzenbach
Genre: Mystery / Thriller
Original publication date: January 2002
Book description: 'Happy fifty-third birthday, Doctor. Welcome to the first day of your death. You ruined my life. And now I fully intend to ruin yours.
'You have exactly one fortnight, starting tomorrow morning at 6 a.m., to discover who I am. When you succeed you must purchase one of those tiny ads at the bottom of the New York Times front page, and print my name there.

'If you do not succeed, then ... you will take note that the second sheet of this letter contains the names of fifty-two of your relatives. If you are unable to purchase the ad as described, then you will have this choice: kill yourself immediately or I will destroy one of these innocent people.'

Until the moment he opens the letter, New York psychologist Dr Frederick Starks has led a quiet and, so he believes, blameless life. He has no idea why he's being judged by this unknown tormentor a former patient - who then lethally begins to demonstrate the potential of his, or her, threats. As the layers of Starks's carefully constructed life are stripped from him, he quickly finds himself a powerless pawn in a psychopath's devious game of vengeance.


*Characters: 8.5
Interesting, frustrating people pictured. Ricky is a very flawed man, self centered and not even aware of his faults and yet you come to root for him as you see what he is facing. He is still clever in a way and has great growth. 
The cleverness and dedication shown by Mr. R is also amazing, even if you do need to have a bit of a stretch, hard to believe someone can go to such lengths for vengeance. 
*Plot: 8.5
The story is in a way predictable and then it throws a loop at you that makes everything more unbelievable, just a bit too convenient in certain aspects. The people come in contact with people so interconnected and with such lack of morality that see the vengeance and acts as something deserved.... It is a bit odd, really good storyline yet not the most realistic one. 
*Logic: 7.5
*Writing style: 8.5
The story feels so frustrating because you to get immersed and can't wait to find out what happens. Very well done.
*Enjoyment: 10.0
*Intrigue: 9.0
You feel in the dark for most of the story and just go with the flow because for the majority of the book not really knowing who will come up at the top. Well done.
*Purpose: 9.0
It is a great story to immerse yourself in, giving you a nice new way to look in the unsafety of technology and having everything (financial especially) controlled online. Good things to consider.

Total: 61
Average: 8.71
Star rating: 4.0

This book was used to accomplish my first prompt for the Used-a-book-a-thon. Read a book nder $2 dollars.


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