Red Water (Agua Roja)

Author: Fernando Trujillo 

Genre: Thriller, Paranormal
Original Publication date: March 2018
Book description (from the synopsis of the ebook): My name is Dani and its not easy to tell my story. I've heard it's best to start in the beginning, so that what I'll do, literally. I'll start with the first memory I have, which is also the best sensation I've felt in my life. I doubt that it'll be understood because only someone like me can remember everything. 


*Characters: 8.5
Most of the characters were not very explored but in a way that makes sense since it was told from the perspective of a single one of them. Also in his nature, Dani did not really understand other al that well so it is excused that most of the side characters were so little developed or explored.
*Logic: 7.0
The way it went, it made sense for the most part, but there were a lot of things that were not explained, about the nature of the creatures, the way they were discovered on their weak state for example. Also how the humans managed to trap them in human form, the ability to transform to humans, etc. So Worldbuilding and the backstory leaves a lot to be desired. 
The way Dani behaves, not knowing what's going on, not sure who to trust, the way he examines and makes decisions, that part did feel very logical and realistic.
Plot: 7.5
It was a bit confusing especially with the little details mentioned in previously, also the twists are not overly exaggerated but they were definitely designed to make drama unfold. 
 A lot of things were unexplained, also the ending, well was not my favorite regardless of the fact that there has to be a continuation. Unnecessary drama really.  
*Writing Style: 9.5
It was refreshing, I like that aspect a lot, coming from such perspective and the way Dani analyzes everything. It makes it even more interesting. 
*Intrigue: 7.5
*Purpose: 7.5
*Enjoyment: 8.0
It did take a while for me to get into the story but it was a good one. 

Total: 55.5
Average: 7.92
Star rating: 4.0


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