July Reading Wrap up

So this was an ok reading month, I did feel disappointed because I did not really do good on any Reading Challenge or anything but I did manage to read overall a decent amount of books.
Total books read this month were 12
The overall reading challenge for the year adds it up to 130
2 more were started but not finished, I will carry them over and they will be the very first thing I pick up on August.
Still, we have at least 12 books ahead of schedule so we can take it easy the next couple of months.

(Spoiler alert I did finish them on the first 2-3 days of the month)

List of books read this month and the ratings will be coming later because right now not really feeling it. Not sure if doing a review/what I read the week will help out but let's do some stats instead.

This month we canceled the subscription for Scribd which means no audio books therefor, for the formats of books read we have
-7 in physical/traditional format
-5 in digital form

In total this month read 3861 pages with an average of 321 pages per book. Really small sounding number but decent enough :)

So as I was saying this month we had very bad performance with reading challenges
*#AYearathon was accomplished! Read 5/5
*The bookie junkie trials was acomplished partially, read 4/5
*DND Readathon partial accomplishment read 2/3
*Biannual Bibliathon partial as well, read 5/8
*Reading Rush failure read 2/7

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