2021 Reading Statistics

 Let's take a look into 2021 in lovely statistics. It might be a boring subject. This in no way is meant to make others feel pressured or compare themselves. Numbers are not the most important thing. Reading happens to be my escape from the real world and due to the current times and my lack of options for the first half of the year that I was not leaving my house at all, well that provided a lot of time I was able to spend reading. 

This year was filled with changes and scary situations that had me up and down emotionally. But we can look back in my reading journey and count it as a success. 

From these numbers, this represents my goal to have been accomplished in 156%. 

From them, 7% were rereads- 23 books. That is a bit below, my goal was 10% but I was very close. My next year's goal is set up differently I will use a number as the goal instead of a percent, I see it more achievable. 

The formats are a bit more even, not bad really. I did want to take advantage of my online subscriptions, they reflect that I am using it the most. I am always happy to see that I am not spending the money and then ignoring them. 

I do not pay attention as much to the age ranges at least this year. The idea of having a diverse reading does not include age ranges, but I have been surprised with a few children's and middle-grade books, so I will try to seek more of them in the coming months. 

Moving on let's take a look in my a few graphs to see how each month fared out. 

My best month was May. This corresponds to my 31 books in 31 days challenge. That gave me a big boost in the final number. The lowest by far was October. This August, I was transferred in my work, I had to move and get used to a whole lot of new things.  But October was when people from my country were sent to the same location as me, and we had a lot of people coming and going so we were dragged to a lot of after-hours events, meetings and to be honest I was a bit homesick. So I spent days where I would leave my apartment at 7 am and be back until after nightfall, 8-9 pm so there was very little reading done. Still, I am happy that I managed to complete at least some books. 

So overall my page count is huge, it has been going up in the last few years because afterall every year I am increasing the number of books read. 

The most popular genre was fantasy, but if I put manga and graphic novels together as I did before then that would be the top choice. The lowest is horror. 

I am very please, I had a very good time. I found a lot of books that I loved and enjoyed the majority. 

I had a goal to get to one 2021 per month. I had this in the back of my mind but I managed to get to twice that amount without notice. I am greatly surprised. The most popular is of course the 2010s, as most of the books and series that are popular are the most recent ones published. But I will not complain I did manage to read a few olders thanks to my author challenges. I should probably try to read more classics and that should help me read older works. 

Now let's take a look at the authors.

Accidentally I have read more male authors, but not a huge difference. 

The with no balance is the author's nationality. American's author wind by a landslide. I will need to pay a lot more attention to this in 2022. I wish to have a bit more of balance. 

Another thing I wanted to mention, I have slowed my book buying habits, especially the latter half of the year. In total, I bought 190 books. Looking at that number is still is huge!

So most were ebooks, which is understandable. The local used bookstores were closed for a long while, one of them, my favorite even closed its doors permanently due to economic struggles. So Amazon and Kindle became my go-to places. In total, I spent $11,533.41 Mexican pesos.

As I had mentioned before I have several online subscriptions AnyPlay for audiobooks and Scribd which includes both ebooks and audiobooks. One of my goals was to use them and the library service to save on money as much as possible. To give me a push towards it I  kept track of how much I would be saving each month. I look for the market price of each book read and my final numbers are eye-opening, to say the least. 

The amounts are in Mexican pesos, as that's my local currency. To give a comparison I pay  4,000 for my rent. So in months like May and December, the books I didn't buy to read were more than what I paid for my 3 bedroom appartment. 

Paying those subscriptions definitely is a lot cheaper than buying books. I would definitely not be able to afford my hobby if I had to buy all the books. My goal is to buy physical copies of my favorite books or the authors I already know I enjoy. Mainly because I have limited space right now. But buying ebooks is not banned yet.  Ebooks will be bought when the subscription services or the library lack what I have on my TBR. That should help me save up. 

Being realistic I would have never afforded to get through all those books if I had to buy them; I do not have the money I "saved". I did not spend it on books because you know, living expenses- I did have a lot of changes happen and that required me to use a lot, if not, all of my savings. 

Well, this was my year in books. I deem it a success! 


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