Completed series 2021

 Taking a look at the start of the year and I did have a list of series to complete this yes. It can be found here. To recap real quick:

1. Precious stone trilogy by Kerstin Gier. I complete it. It was a clear disappointment. I liked the idea much more than the execution. The time-traveling was very interesting, the family drama, the plots, and the real enemy waiting and moving the pieces of the game in the background. The main character was annoying, even more so than in the first book. The love interest and the "romance" well my enjoyment went downhill only for that. 

2. Series of unfortunate events by Lemony Snicket. I completed it. My enjoyment was so-so. It becomes repetitive and predictable. I was expecting that but I became annoyed by the absurd and awful human being in the story. Every adult was an imbecile that can't see what's right in front of them. I liked it mostly but by the end I simply wanted it to be over. I might revisit a few of my favorites but not likely I will go through the whole series. 

3. Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan. I did not complete it. So this was a fail.

4. Gentleman bastard by Scott Lynch. I made zero progress in this one. 

5. Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman. This is good news, I completed. The end of a zombie apocalypse world. I enjoyed the ride but the ending felt a bit weak. The only thing I have left to do is complete the series. 

6. Magisterium by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare. This turned a bit darker than I expected and the ending was again not 100% to my liking but I see it realistic enough in the context of the events that had already taken place. So I can say I really liked the whole series.

7.  Song of ice and fire by George R.R. Martin. Another series I made zero progress on all year long. I only got through book one. So this counts as a fail.

8. Broken Earth trilogy by N.K. Jemisin. Funny story I made a small mistake. I made my list and I was pretty sure I had the whole trilogy in my shelves. So I read the 3 books plus that extra novella. And now I realize I read a different trilogy. I don't even own the Broken Earth trilogy. So I swapped this for the inheritance trilogy. It follows a family that rules the world. They have conquered and slaved the Gods and have them at their beck and call.

 After a huge battle, the three gods fight each other, one of them, the God of Light betrays the other two. The God of darkness is captured and enslaved, the chains are granted to the ruling family of a country - the worst of all creation to humans. The God of light becomes the one true God, the god of darkness becomes a plaything, and the god of creation, the one who made humans was killed.  The whole story captures and you are enchanted, it's very hard to not go through the whole series. There are trigger warnings though, mentions of rape, pedophilia, and well slavery and discrimination. Nothing too graphic, at least the sexual ones, but nonetheless very disturbing. I had a very uncountable time during specific portions. Even after completing the book, I found myself coming back to those aspects. The effect is great. A wonderfully crafted story. 

9. Spellslinger by Sebastian de Castell. I did not even start this one. I had a hard time finding physical copies and then I kind of forgot about it. I will try to get back into this series I am still very interested on the theme of this one. A magician who no longer has magic is trying to fake it so he can pass his magical test. It just sounds like a very good ride. 

10. The faithful and the fallen by John Gynne. I did complete this story. The magic, the big reveals, the found family, and the battle scenes. I loved the whole series. We follow a fantasy story. It has the aspects I love: an underdog, a prophecy, ancient secret warriors, a great evil. It has surprising twists and a lot of fighting.

I noticed this tells you nothing. But it's best to go into it blind. We have a fight between good and evil, the fight between the two champions of both sides will decide the fate of the whole world. And as usual, it is hard to see the big picture when all through the path you see the small inconsequential pieces trying to survive. You get sucked into the story. 

So moving forward from the ones I had planned at the start of the year I did manage to complete a few other ones. Sidenote: Rereads will not count here.

The Greenglass House by Kate Milford. It is a fantasy story following a young boy who lives in a hotel. His adoptive parents run it and in there a great secret awaits. It is heartwarming and perfect for the Winter. I really enjoyed it. 

Fullmetal Alchemist by Hiromu Arakawa. The manga follows Ed and Alphonse who after the death of their mother try to revive her and with that action doom their lives in ways they could not imagine. The journey they take to fix the consequences its long and full of adventure and danger. 

Andromeda by Michael Crichton. A sci-fi story about a virus that starts spreading throughout America. Something fell from outer space and without knowing how it works started spreading havoc. It was a very good story. 

The chronicles of the one by Nora Roberts. The fight finally takes flight but the One is overly powerful and her whole destiny is ahead of her. Again this story had an amazing premise. But it felt rushed and the One was too powerful so the stakes did not feel pressing. It was ok but not as amazing as I wanted it to be. 

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle. After seeing plenty of adaptations and retellings, I read the original stories. I really did enjoy them.  Something I would like to reread at a later date. Sherlock is as often portrayed as a bit annoying and self-centered.  But still, the adventures are compelling and very fast read.

Vision and the Scarlet witch. The comic collection 1985 - 1986. I am sure there are other examples but after watching Disney plus series I was intrigued and looked for the comics that served for the adaptation. Wanda's abilities are more like a real witch than what they are shown in the movies and series. 

Another comic collection I completed was The Eternals by Jack Kirby. Again this was because I saw the movie and fell in love with the character and wanted more from the story. The story was really different, humans find out about the different creatures living in their own planet and the way the creatures were created was also very different. I liked the movie a lot more than the original comic storyline. 

The girl from the well by Rin Chupeco. Seventeen-year-old Tark knows what it is to be powerless. But Okiku changed that. A restless spirit who ended life as a victim and started death as an avenger, she’s groomed Tark to destroy the wicked. In an attempt to read more horror, I found this and was a very good surprise. It's a quick read and very atmospheric, the perfect choice for October. The descriptions of the ghosts and some of the rituals, I found to be creepy but readable. Maybe it's just that I am not very versed in horror, but knowing how easily scared I get this level is perfect. 

In total, I managed to complete 14 series. That is a very good number especially since the last few years strayed from continuing series right away.


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