Complete tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
Castle books Introduction by Wilbur S. Scott So in my try to incorporate on my readings more classics I bought the complete works of Edgar Allan Poe because I have always enjoyed reading his work. But it isn't as nice as I had imagined becuase well the lovely Poe uses a complex language and the font of the book is super small. I managed to read only: The Unparalleled Adventure of one Hans Pfall The balloon hoax Mesmeric Revelation Ms. Found in a bottle A descent into the Maelstorm Von Kempelen and his discovery The gold bug The facts in the case of M. Valdemar The 1002 tale of Scheherazade The Murders in the Rue Morgue The mystery of Marie Roget The fall of the house of Usher The purloined letter The tell-tale heart The Black cat So yeah I did not get through many yet. I really like most of them except maybe the 9th but oh well over all it was pretty good but I really think I'll take my time and come back to it the next couple of months and finish the ...