The Winter Witch

by Paula Brackston 

368 pages
Genre: Historical Fiction Fantasy 
Date fist published: January 2013
Book description: In her small early nineteenth century Welsh town, there is no one quite like Morgana, who has not spoken since she was a young girl. Her silence is a mystery, as well as her magic. Concerned for her safety, her mother is anxious to see her married, and Cai Jenkins, a widower from the far hills, seems the best choice.
After her wedding, Morgana is heartbroken at leaving her mother, and wary of this man, whom she does not know, and who will take her away to begin a new life. But she soon falls in love with Cai's farm and the wild mountains that surround it. Cai works to understand the beautiful, half-tamed creature he has chosen for a bride, and slowly, he begins to win Morgana's affections. It's not long, however, before her strangeness begins to be remarked upon in her new village. A dark force is at work there--a person who will stop at nothing to turn the townspeople against Morgana. Forced to defend her home, her man, and herself, Morgana must learn to harness her power, or she will lose everything.

My thoughts:
So this story is a bit slow moving for my tastes. The story in itself is more drama than not I had only on issue an it's not anyone's fault but mine I guess. The font was so small that it made getting through the pages so slow. I was reading at work and it was a bad time becuase you have to read in between people and with bad  lighting so it made it seem unendable.
But the story is very good, you have the typical god witch and bad witch; the ever selfishness of wanting something so bad and killing in order to get it. 
The writing was very good and the storyline was pretty good, you start to guess who the real enemy is and dislike the ever so obvious and naive husband a bit at times but in the end you are so caught with them and the development of the young new couple. It is very good book. Don't go in expecting tons of plot twists or an epic battle between two witches. It has drama, it has romance and two very determined witches betting it all in order to win.

I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars. It was pretty good really.


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