Challenge 1: Otherworld

Challenge 1: Read the group book Other world.

So I went ahead and bought a book even after I said I wasn't going to buy anything.

Title: Otherworld
Authors: Jason Segel and Kristen Miller
Date Published: October 2017
Genre: YA, Science Fiction
Book Description: The company says Otherworld is amazing—like nothing you’ve ever seen before. They say it’s addictive—that you’ll want to stay forever. They promise Otherworld will make all your dreams come true.
Simon thought Otherworld was a game. Turns out he knew nothing. Otherworld is the next phase of reality. It’s everything you’ve ever wanted.
And it’s about to change humanity forever.
Welcome to the Otherworld. No one could have seen it coming.

Well what did I think about it?
I liked it, I mean for some reason it took a while for me to get intot he story but it was really good if I do say so myself. It wasn't as good as I had imagined, I mean I did have really high expectations for it and it wasn't as grand as it could have been in my imagination but I still enjoyed it a lot. 
Things that annoyed me:
Simon is too much of a good friend but if my best friend ignored me as much as his did I would give them up for sure. I wonder why did he not try to befriend other people?

The main points to comment about this book:
1. For the most part you don't know what's really going on. It is imposible to discern the motive behind the rejection our main characer, Simon, suffers from his best friend. 
2. You can't really tell the reason why a company would go to such lenghts to test a device. 
3. Is the mysteryous guide a someone who wants to help or hinder? That part was some what annoying because you couldn't really tell what the main objective was. I mean why would the person try to help Simon.
4. It is not as fast paced as I would have liked, maybe its because it's only the first book to a series but in the end you have such frustration... The bad guys aren't getting what they deserve!!!

So I have really not too much to say about this book. It was ok I gave it a 3.5 out of 5 stars.
 I liked it but it wasn't as exciting as I had evxpected it to be. I will continue with the series and see what I think of the sequels. I expect the story to get better as it goes on like it did with this book.  THe first few 100 pages felt as it the story was dragging because it was introducing you to the characters and the worl but it got better as it went along. 
I only read it to be able to see the live show, I'll leave a link to it down below.


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