Isle of the Lost

Title: Isle of the Lost
Author: Melissa de la Cruz
336 pages
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy
Book description: Twenty years ago, all the evil villains were banished from the kingdom of Auradon to the Isle of the Lost-a dark and dreary place protected by a force field that makes it impossible for them to leave. Stripped of their magical powers, the villains now live in total isolation, forgotten by the world.
Mal learns from her mother, Maleficent, that the key to true darkness, the Dragon's Eye, is located inside her scepter in the forbidden fortress on the far side of the island. The eye is cursed, and whoever retrieves it will be knocked into a deep sleep for a thousand years. But Mal has a plan to capture it. She'll just need a little help from her "friends." In their quest for the Dragon's Eye, these four kids begin to realize that just because you come from an evil family tree, being good ain't so bad.

This is the introduction of the villains kids. We have:

Mal the daughter of the dark fairy Maleficent. She as every kid growing up in th Isle grew up lonely and wishing to be as evil just like her mother in an attempt of getting the eveliest of all fairies' approval.  
Jay is the son of Jafar. He is the thief of thieves. He can steal anything except his father's heart. He is semi friends with Mal from the start of the book but as the story progesses he finds that having friends is not exactly a awful idea.
Carlos is a nice smart guy, which means that for him growin up in th Island is not the best of things. He gets picked on and is terrified of not only his mother Cruella de Vil but of Mal and Jay.
Evie is the daughter of the Evil Queen and has been on a forced isolation in a castle. She sets out to the "world" for the fist time and gets tangled up with Mal, Jay and Carlos. She ends up starting to believe more on herself thanks to her new found friends. Her self woth is not going to be 100% defined by the mirror. It isn't perfect but it surely is a start.

I found this because of the movie that was aired on Disney channel of course. I a no longer interested on watching it and my niece the closest kid I have at the moment is too young to like it still. But sometimes reading a grade level book is refreshing. 
I picked this up in a attempt to have a nice easy read. It was a good surpise. It was a entertaining read. Not my favorite but good enough. 
I have it a  3 out of 5 stars. 


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