Would I be friends with our literary friendship groups?

February month of Friendship and love and let's face it, there is no romance happening here, let focus on the friendship part.

So in this impromptu post, we will pick random book or series and decide if the main character would be people I could be friends with or not.
This is not people whom I think are good friends to their existing friends, but if they could become my friends was I in close proximity to them. 

Oh its going to get interesting.

My favorite series right now.

The Raven Cycle. I feel that as much as I like their relationship, they are a very tight group. At least during the duration of the series that's the way it looks. 
The book takes place in a relatively small amount of time yet, they do not open up too much to newcomers with specific exceptions.
So, in other words, I feel I could not squeeze myself in that friendship group. 
Not Friends.

I like the type of friends, everyone trying to help each other out, accepting themselves with flaws and petty disagreements. You can choose friends people whom you have plenty in common but there can always be situations where you see them not take the best decision in your opinion and yet you have their back. I really appreciate that.

The Host, Stephenie Meyer. This is a Sci-fi book and we have a group of people who are shoved together and learn to coexist with each other. I believe Wanda, Melanie, Jamie, yes they would accept me in their circle. They are accepting and inclusive, quick to expect the best in people (Mel not so much but she learns).
I think I would really like them and they would accept me even if quiet and not full of interesting fun stories of other life forms.

Harry Potter,  JK Rowling. How could we do a theme of friendship and not include the golden trio? 
First off, I think I would not be in their radar, I would most likely be among Neville, and some other side characters, never been one to go up to the popular or too smart people, I don't do sports so in all aspects no way to ascend from classmates to friends with the golden trio. 
They are also very tight once the friend group was formed they don't really stray too far from it, they do not go out of their way to try to get to know people outside of their direct contact. 
So not friends really.

Shadowhunter, Casandra Clare. If you try to fit into the shadowhunter circle, Jace, Isabel and Alec, the answer is no. They were close since childhood and did not go out of their way to accept others. The Lightwoods especially had a very hard time accepting a new member into their dynamics (When Clary comes into the picture).
Magnus is too flamboyant, so I do not think I could get close to him, that's another no.
Clary and Simon, yeah in their mundane life a friend from school, that seems doable. 

Those are the friendship groups I think I am most likely to want to befriend there is plenty more, but oh well. 
I am sure I can come up with more but most have the same issue as mentioned above: I would not adapt well to their circle due to their lack of including me or I would actively prefer to look from the sidelines. You can't change your personality, without a lot of effort that I have never invested in such an endeavor. 


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