Books carried over from June

I am sounding like a broken record by now. There were a few books I did not get to from my June TBR, not for any particular reason I do want to read them.

As part of my 2020 resolutions I have to get through all my monthly TBRs I mean I can still DNF.  So that means that when I do not read a book in the set timeline (usually I only set a monthly TBR) I MUST read it in the next one in addition to the normal TBR set.

So the books from June I need to get to:

First off I began one and barely got 100 pages into it, that will be the first one I finish this month:

*The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson
This is the final installment in the trilogy, I am enjoying it very much, not even sure why it's taking me this long to get through it.

There were also plenty I didn't even begin so here they are, the second month they're included in a TBR this time I will read them!

*The eleventh metal by Brandon Sanderson
This short story I will not read until I finish the hero of ages so I need to get my act together and get to it! It is a fairly short one in a single sitting it should be done.

*The last arguments of Kings by Joe Abercrombie
Another series finale, not sure if I avoid them unconsciously because I'm not sure I will enjoy the ending this series will get XD

*Road work by Stephen King published in 1981 written initially under his Richard Bachman pseudonym. It looks like a western, but I am not sure what it is about but I did find it in Scribd.

*Post-apocalyptic books:
*Song for the unraveling earth by Brian Everson a collection of dark short stories.

*Swan song by Robert McCammon. In a wasteland born of rage and fear, populated by monstrous creatures and marauding armies, Earth’s last survivors have been drawn into a final battle between good and evil that will decide the fate of humanity. There’s Sister, who discovers a strange and transformative glass artifact in the destroyed Manhattan streets…Joshua Hutchins, the pro wrestler who takes refuge from the nuclear fallout at a Nebraska gas station…and Swan, a young girl possessing special powers, who travels alongside Josh to a Missouri town where healing and recovery can begin with her gifts.

*Latin/Spanish/Mexican authors
-Hasta que deje de llover (until it stops raining) by Javier Martinez

This is a boy meets boy love story. So yeah pretty fitting for Pride month. 

*Rereads picked for this month
-Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor. This is the second book in the trilogy, we follow Karou as she struggles in a war between Chimeras and other angels. She needs to pick her allies, make an army and get over her internal struggles her heart is causing. 

-Captive Prince by CS Pacat. This follows a man who is betrayed and sold as a slave to the enemy kingdom as he struggles to survive, he needs to hide his identity and yet find a way to escape from the place where everyone would like to see dead.


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