White like me DNFing the book

Book title: White like me: reflections on race from a privileged son 
Author: Tim Wise
Genre: Nonfiction, Memoir
Original publication date: December 21, 2004
Book description: In White Like Me, Tim Wise offers a highly personal examination of the ways in which racial privilege shapes the lives of most white Americans, overtly racist or not, to the detriment of people of color, themselves, and society. The book shows the breadth and depth of the phenomenon within institutions such as education, employment, housing, criminal justice, and healthcare. By critically assessing the magnitude of racial privilege and its enormous costs, Wise provides a rich memoir that will inspire activists, educators, or anyone interested in understanding the way that race continues to shape the experiences of people in the U.S. Using stories instead of stale statistics, Wise weaves a narrative that is at once readable and scholarly, analytical and accessible.


It has been a while since I DNF a book, at least a few months. I have been trying to do that as to not work my way into disliking/hating a book simply because I refuse to walk away from it if it is not something I enjoy.

The topic discussed is important, but the book itself is not something I am having a good time getting through.
It could have been condensed, it is hard to rate as it is a memoir, but the life of the author is not what I am really interested in, I was expecting something different. I wanted a work with discussion on struggles by marginalized groups, social commentary, a well-researched topic being explained or discussed. 
Mr. Wise cannot base a whole idea on his own experiences alone, I read around 70% of the book and had to give up. I might pick it up at a later time but not sure.

Recognizing privilege is the first step to changing how society is a whole, this book is not what I would recommend on the topic though.

I see a lot of people found this way more helpful so maybe it was a "me thing", so take my opinion lightly, the subject is important but that does not mean all the books written about it are going to be to everyone's liking and that does not mean that is because you have a different opinion. This book was simply a memoir of someone's life and the writing style was of no particular interest to me. Nothing more than that. 

The first few chapters you are reading about his life you can take as an introduction to know who the person is writing this, but you never move on. The story is simply a retelling of his life and showing us examples of moments where he was privileged. A few incidents might have been good but this seems to drag on and on, making you feel this book is not going to end! It fell to be dragging on, going in circles. It might have been the case where you pick something up and your expected something different so you end up begin disappointed.

It is still a very important topic to explore, so I'll just have to continue looking for something else


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