Hero of Ages

Brandon Sanderson
Series: Mistborn #3
Genre: Fantasy
Original publication date: October 2008
Book description: Tricked into releasing the evil spirit Ruin while attempting to close the Well of Ascension, new emperor Elend Venture and his wife, the assassin Vin, are now hard-pressed to save the world.


This was a great finale for the trilogy.
The story took me the longest to get through than the previous two. It might have been that I was afraid of getting to the end, I feared that it would be a disappointment.

The world is ending, and the end is coming at a very fast pace. Vin and Elend are trying to join the last few remains of the final empire, but they have issued one after the other.
They finally come face to face with their real enemy!
Ruin and preservation finally show themselves!
The discoveries come from Kandra, from the past, from the unknown hero of ages (you find out who it is in the very last bit of the book).  

The world needs everything, the mists, the ash falls, but even that which was helping the planet is slowly killing it.

Spook is growing, maturing, and becoming a leader, he manages to find out a force that is swirling around the last few remaining leaders. 

There is a lot of information coming to readers, we find out the origin of

We get huge eye-opening discoveries and more information about different abilities and arts, not only Allomancy, Feruchemy and Hemalurgy. 

This world was expanded! And we finally find out who the Hero of Ages is!

A great ending, but not everything was discovered. There are more metals and not everything the people thought about Mistings and Mistborn.

The ending was incredible. 
The final battle was very intense. 

How can you share your thoughts but not spoil anything?

Spook is changing, he gets the initial idea from an unknown force for him. But he is not a puppet. He makes his own decision and moves over that captivating voice, he decides to move away from the temptation and make the decisions that he thinks are correct.
He loses an extra power, that he gained and continues to be only a Tin Eye, but he stopped seeing himself as useless because his power is not fight oriented. He manages to become a leader with a simple attitude change. 
Vin and Elend show a bit more of their relationship, they trust one another to an unimaginable amount. We see very little of them as a couple, they are always fighting for their lives and trying to save the world so you see very little of them as a couple. But we do get a few more snips here and those were lovely. Vin places a huge trust on Elend and her knowledge of the ideals and the man she loves. It's very sweet, of course, the romance is definitely not the main focus in this book. But we still get a few nice moments of them. 

This is going to be ended here, I cannot do a more vague description and my feelings are also all over the place.

We have a bittersweet ending! We have a few losses, there was a huge battle Elend and his people were fighting the forces against them had a huge advantage. But there is also hope and a great resolution of the initial problems, it was just an amazing ending.
This just became my favorite Brandon Sanderson book so far this year.


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