Song for the unraveling of the earth

Author: Brian Everson
Genre: Short stories, horror, sci-fi
Original publication date: June 11, 2019
Book Description (from Good Reads): A newborn's absent face appears on the back of someone else's head, a filmmaker goes to gruesome lengths to achieve the silence he's after for his final scene, and a therapist begins, impossibly, to appear in a troubled patient's room late at night. In these stories of doubt, delusion, and paranoia, no belief, no claim to objectivity, is immune to the distortions of human perception. Here, self-deception is a means of justifying our most inhuman impulses--whether we know it or not.


This is another of the short story collections I picked up, I remember that in the last few months I changed my mind about short stories, I really didn't feel inclined to pick them up and lately I began to. They allow me to get an idea of the author's voice and writing style especially if they are all from slightly different genres. 

It includes:
*No matter which we turn is a story following a group of people who after an encounter with "something" are left with a baby who has no front and how they choose to affront that.
Spoiler we are left with a very big question, what happened?
*Born still born
This is a very interesting one, we follow a man who has been going to therapy for a while I assume. But he has two doctors, one in the day and one at night. They look the same but are very different in attitude, we follow the man as he struggles to come to terms with what is going on. It has an intriguing ending.

Inside joke: What do apples and bananas have in common?
There is only one right answer.
*Leaking out
A homeless man stumbles not an abandoned mansion but not everything is what it seems. Something sees him once he is inside and now he can't run far enough from it.
*Song for the unraveling of the world
Drago wakes up one day and his daughter is missing. He tries to find her but she is not inside the house. As the story progresses we discover a few of the secrets he hides, but as its a personal note for Brian, there is a mystery still unsolved by the end of this. 
*The second door
This is a  very thrilling story. We follow two sisters, they are alone in a house of some kind, there is something outside that makes living out there impossible so they are careful to stay in and never open the second door. And even when using that first door you have to be careful. The relationship between the sisters is what is most peculiar really. This is not a horror collection but so far the stories are creepy. 
This one is simply an unexpected storyline, can't say much about it.
*Room tone
There is a movie being filmed and there is something the director does not like, he goes to unimaginable lengths to get a small detail right. He needs the room silence to sound perfect XD
Yet there is something creepy there.
*Shirts and Skins
A very unhealthy relationship. This is a very creepy partner. Sidenote: Not recommendable to go on blind dates. You never know who you can meet there.

There are a few more but in general, they are all very different but you see a creepy vibe in all of them. A very fast read. For some of the stories you feel the potential of a possible longer story, but all of them let you with questions so if you have issues with an unresolved plot point, skip it altogether.

With so many things included here and yet all of them being so small, hard to actually give an idea of what it is and yet not spoil the plots. 

I really am happy to get to know a new author and will need to find more of his work, to see if all his books have scary/creepy themes to them. 


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