Midyear Reading Stats 2020

This year has been a good one reading-wise at least. I have managed to find very good books and am going in a very strong streak.

There are several goals and plans I made at the beginning of the year but we'll take a look at them at a later date. 
Half a year is already here. It is going at super speed, lately, right after May, I feel the years just go at twice the speed than the previous months. 2020 is not the first year I try to focus on reading and not my first time trying to blog the journey. I have not been the most content in posting but I am doing ok.

So let's take a look in the statistics, I do love to see my progress and even other people's. 

Total book read (until end of June): 130 books


It has been a very constant reads, the month I read the least was March yet it is still right on the edge of the minimal book I set up for myself. 

I have read 43,560 pages in average 7,260

Not a bad page count for the halfway point, as I don't generally keep track of my reading this way I have no way to compare if this is better or the same compared to the last few years. But this is I will at least have a back up if I want to make a comparison next year. 

Surprisingly I am not reading Audiobooks the mot but its a close second place.

I have tried to get a wide range of books I pick up in several aspects. 

I have been trying to read more 2020 books but among my challenges, there are plenty of backlisted books so they sure give me a wide range.

Also, I have enjoyed most of what I read so that make sit a fantastic reading year. In average we have a rating of 3.5

I have a very close call between the 3 and 4 stats.

There are a few more things I have been trying to keep track of, regarding the authors.

Also because one of the main things this year was to spend less, or in other words not buying so many books, I tried to keep a record of my purchases. I am a total failure I have no self-control!!

I will take a look in the goals thset for 2020 at a later date, for now this is all. hope yu enjoy my very bad graphics. 


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