Authors backlist Check in 1

As a personal challenge, I have been reading the books in publication order for Stephen King and Agatha Christie. This is not a new idea, I have seen it happen before for several authors the downside of it is that I picked authors that have a big list of published works. 

I have made a plan on the books I will read for 2021 and even then the challenge will not be complete. Next time I pick the authors for this challenge I have to really try to do it when I have the time to invest and get to more than one book a month otherwise it takes forever. 

Sidenote: I already plan to start a new author challenge this 2021 so no more until one of the current ones is complete.

For Stephen King, I have read 15 of his works published between his debut in 1974 (Carrie) to 1983 (Christine)

These are the books I have read last year.

I have two books DNF but not in a permanent way as I will have to pick up the Gunslinger if I need to read the continuation of the series.

Both seem like a very good example of horror based on supernatural creatures. I have heard a lot about the second one and had never even seen the first one mentioned at all. Not sure if this is due to the fact that is an older work or if it's due to my very little acquaintance in the Horror genre. 


Interesting, the talisman is the start of a series. I am wondering how it would affect the fact that is a collective work. Looking forward to that.


Again another short story collection. I am getting into them more and more. I have high hopes for it (Skeleton crew).


So this is where the first issues arise. I get to the point where I need to read the second in the Dark Tower series so I have t squeeze in both volumes 1 and 2 as well as the huge tome IT. I will try to get the graphic novels or at least the physical copies for the Dark Tower series, as the last few times I tried to start it I did it in ebook format and was unable to push through it.

I have read it previously Misery but I will still read it again for this challenge.


Again another book I will read for the first time.


Again I know nothing about the books but I am willing to read them anyway.


The second book is also a film I might try to read the book and also watch it, I think its in Netflix.




Again there is a film I might watch after the book. I have managed to forget the whole movie by now. I will enjoy the experience the first read and then get emotional by the movie again. I just think it was emotional but not sure anymore. 


With this, I will get to 40 of his works, and the next year I will manage to probably finish if I keep up the same rhythm reading two books per month. 
In other words, this will be a 3 year-long challenge.

That is it for now. Let me know if you have any favorite of Kings books in the ones I have scheduled for 2021.

Stay safe, stay healthy!


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