Author's backlist check in 2

 As part of the personal challenge, I have taken upon myself the second person I picked was Agatha Christie. So here I will provide an overall view of the progress I have made in the last year and the upcoming prospect of the challenge.

I will continue and try to complete it in the near future. 

Last few months I managed to read the works from 1920 The mysterious Affair at Styles to Death in the clouds published in 1935, that is 22 of her works. 

I have enjoyed them for the most part and understand why even so many decades later she is a very popular author.

In the next 12 months I plan on reading:


I have already started reading both of them. The ABC murders was very interesting. I enjoyed it a lot. My review for it coming soon.



Why dumb witness? Very peculiar choice of words.


It's good I don't really read seasonally, I didn't plan this correctly, reading Christmas stories in April.


I have already read And there were none but it has been a little while. I remember loving this book, really looking forward to rereading it. 


The covers for the books are very interesting and the stories are unknown. Maybe they're from her not so popular works or simply I'm too ignorant of the classics. 


I know nothing about this, just that the Poirot series continues. It is proving to be longer than I expected.


Again books I have read a few years ago. I remember vaguely loving the story in the body in the library but can't really pinpoint the plotline.


The first book is giving me the vibe of a horror or paranormal story instead of the user mysteries who-done-it. But who knows. I really want to go mostly blind into them.


Very catchy names, Sparkling Cyanide, really I know all of the books feature a murder but some are just more eye-catching than others. 



So by this time, I will be over half the list. The conclusion is that this project I will carry on to 2022 and be finished by the end of that year. There are a few books I read before I started this project so this would mean rereads or skip them altogether. But I want the whole experience so I'll read them again, not like I dislike rereading and having a bit of inside knowledge will maybe help me pinpoint the clues I ignored the first time around. 

I have two huge projects going on at the same time and I just keep getting new crazy ideas to try to tackle at the same time as I already started one for this year. But I will try very hard to complete both (Stephen King, Agatha Christie) and get a good dent in the third one before I take on another Backlist author project.

Who else makes overly ambitious plans for their lives? Anyone? I love complicating things apparently.

That's it for me guys, see you next time. Stay safe, stay healthy!


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