Cards on the table

 Series: Hercule Poirot #15

Author: Agatha Christie

Genre: Mystery thriller

Original publication date: November 2, 1936

Book description: 

A flamboyant party host is murdered in full view of a roomful of bridge players… Mr Shaitana was famous as a flamboyant party host. Nevertheless, he was a man of whom everybody was a little afraid. So, when he boasted to Poirot that he considered murder an art form, the detective had some reservations about accepting a party invitation to view Shaitana’s private collection. Indeed, what began as an absorbing evening of bridge was to turn into a more dangerous game altogether.


It starts off pretty interesting. As mentioned in the description Mr. Shaitana a very arrogant man invites Mr. Poirot to his house to a private party so he could appreciate his most impressive collection, a murder collection. There are several gusts here, Superintendant Battle, Mr. Poirot, and a few more law-related or murder related people. 

The party breaks up into two groups to play Bridge, four people per room and Mr. Shaitana is going to rest on his own lonesome by the fireplace. A murder takes place in one of the rooms, the one Mr. Poirot is next to. so the people in that room become immediate suspects. We have 4 possible murders, the cause of this crime? 

Fear. Mr Shaitana had been hinting about past crimes and the way a murder could have taken place that no one suspected. The person in there who felt exposed surely attacked him to try to silence the one who knew of their crime. 

There are 3 innocent people in that room and one who is not. How can they figure out the truth? Mr. Poirot, Superintendant Battle, and their two companions take matters into their hands. Poirot as usual has a very particular tactic of trying to investigate through the Bridge game that was played. 

We see Poirot take a few steps back as the police handle this. He is always there with them but allows others to take the lead. The little Belgium detective plays at the side character but as usual, we have some interesting reveals.

I once more was not able to predict the guilty party. But I had an awesome time going along the ride. It did feel a bit over the top as everyone had secrets and was in a way acting suspiciously for some reason or another.

I recommend it as a good entry into classic mystery thrillers, anyone who likes crime thrillers following the detective point of view would enjoy this.

I gave this: 

That is it for me guys, let me know if you like Poirot? I had initial issues with him but he might have improved as a character or maybe he just grows on you after a few books. Let me know what you think.

See you later, stay safe and healthy!


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