Reread #3: The Dream thieves


Series: The Raven boys cycle #2

Author: Maggie Stiefvater

Genre: Fantasy

Original publication date: September 17, 2013

Book description: 

Now that the ley lines around Cabeswater have been woken, nothing for Ronan, Gansey, Blue, and Adam will be the same. Ronan, for one, is falling more and more deeply into his dreams, and his dreams are intruding more and more into waking life. Meanwhile, some very sinister people are looking for some of the same pieces of the Cabeswater puzzle that Gansey is after


This is the second book so of course, we have already fallen for the characters. This is a reread so it is even more unfair in that aspect. I was not even planning on rereading this book this month but in the spur of the moment, I decided to go ahead and read it.

The first book ends with a huge reveal from Ronan. He discloses that he has the ability to take things out of his dreams. This is not a real spoiler in my opinion as the title is very self-explanatory and well this series has been out for a few years and the second series currently being released at the moment is based solely on this aspect. 

We still have Adam here, he made the deal with Cabeswater and he must learn to cope with that. It is not easy. He is prideful and still has that inferiority complex about him. The poor boy grew u in a very unhealthy environment and he feels that weighs him down. The author does give him very realistic reactions. He loses his temper, he is stressed out about normal teen stuff, does the girl he fancy likes him back? How is he going to get to the end of the month, pay tuition, housing, food, etc? He is just starting to live on his own, how is he going to keep it up and adding the quest that they are no closer to completing even if they think they know where to start. It is just a lot and he has a few breakdowns. As I said I just love how real this seems, it makes you care even more for them as people. 

The whole book shifts and is a bit more focused on the characters and their lives. This one book is totally character-driven, do not expect a lot of plot developments. I love the characters and if this is your first time reading you start to fall for them. Be aware if you are a  plot-driven person, this might feel like it drags. 

Blue continues to have the struggle and issues about her love life. She is determined to not fall for the one guy she knows is her true love. She is going to date this other guy she likes. We have a bit of a love triangle if you squint a bit. I already know where this is going but it's very obvious since the first read how it will play out. 

Ronan whom many would consider the focus of this one book, well he has his own internal battles. He discovers for the first time another person who has known not only his secret and kept it. another person with his same ability to dream. This takes a few turns and twists but thanks to that we get to know him a bit more. A few reveals are made that do not make it too obvious where this might lead really. As a reread the clues are here or maybe you just need to be more perceptive but as I know where this will lead I don't think I'm in any position to say much about it. At least we don't have insta-love here. We see there are a few clues letting you know who is going to fall or who has an interest in who and as the story s slow-moving we see everyone get to know each other.

Gansey well, he is also struggling a bit. He wishes to help Adam, Ronan and he is trying to make Blue not mad at him but he is not very successful in any of them. It makes you feel a bit bad as it seems he never catches a break.

On the other hand, there is a bit of an issue coming their way. People are after the Geyware, the object that allows you to take things out of your dreams. We see a few more players come up now. Overall more questions rise instead of being answered.

This is a good book that just calls you to pick the next one right away. And I will do that!

I gave this book 

I highly recommend it to people who want a light fantasy series and a bit of romance, it is not the main focus of the story but it does play an important role.

Have you guys read it? Let me know which book is your favorite of them and who is your favorite character? Initially, my favorite was Adam, but now I think I would pick Ronan.

See you guys later, stay safe and healthy!


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