Emerald Green

 Series: Precious stone trilogy #3 

Author: Kerstin Gier

Translator: Anthea Bell

Genre: Fantasy

Original publication date: December 8, 2010

Book description: 

Gwen has a destiny to fulfill, but no one will tell her what it is. She’s only recently learned that she is the Ruby, the final member of the time-traveling Circle of Twelve, and since then nothing has been going right. She suspects the founder of the Circle, Count Saint-German, is up to something nefarious, but nobody will believe her. And she’s just learned that her charming time-traveling partner, Gideon, has probably been using her all along. Emerald Green is the stunning conclusion to Kerstin Gier's Ruby Red Trilogy, picking up where Sapphire Blue left off, reaching new heights of intrigue and romance as Gwen finally uncovers the secrets of the time-traveling society and learns her fate.


The last book in the trilogy. So again how can you review it without spoiling or just repeating the same thing over and over again?

My overall feelings for this series, it's a slow-paced story about time travel with troupes commonly found in YA. We have the star crossed lover troupe, a prophesied special someone with the typical underdog but overall laced with teen drama. We have a love interest that suffers from miscommunication and that has absolutely no reason to care about one another. Gwen and Gideon have the classic insta-love and even if they come and go if they trust in each other and what their relationship should be or what they want to be. 

As mentioned before my main issue was the romance between Gwen and Gideon. 

The plot in the background is the classic mystery of a secret organization that may or may not have the good of humankind in mind. We follow the guardians, they have a lot of members throughout the eras, all following the instructions of the Count in some time in the 16 century. He might have a very self-serving plan instead of the goal he has professed to the whole organization. 

To be honest, the reveals are easy to predict but it was still an ok experience. I found it very predictable and the ending, well it was not something that blew my mind really. The final did make it a bit better than the second book, but it's not a series I would reread at any point.

I would recommend this one to people who like cozy fantasy, which means it's a nice pallet cleanser, something easy to get through to break from bigger complex fantasy stories. 

I gave this:

For now, that is all. I did complete a series I have been in the middle of for a while so that's good at least. I do think this might be a me-problem so I would still recommend this book to people who enjoy YA Fantasy stories with secret organizations and time travel. 

Until next time, stay safe and healthy!


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