First Haul 2021- Balance #1

 This year started off beautifully. And we are going to do the first actual Balance of our books and TBR books.

What did I buy this month?

The first purchase was the start of the epic fantasy story Malazan book of the fallen.

and also the nonfiction book about stereotypes 

So, in this case, are 4 books that I bought. But then I am already cheating, as I found a few books in Kindle (Amazon) that were marked as free and so I couldn't stop myself so I grabbed them. I do not really know what they are about but I added them to my Kindle library as I am planning on reading them at some point or other. I mean they were free, you just can't ignore that.

In total I acquired 144 books, I might have been able to get a few more if I continue to search every day. I totally recommend if you have time browse and search for free books. The first issue arose, so the 144 books are new to my TBR but they were not bought so how should I place that in my Balance book scale?

-Should I do the 5 I bought plus the 144 that I got for free? If that is the case, well I am already way behind in my balance, it will start in very negative numbers and I still have to get a few more books for my current challenges.

Also, I did get a few of them in physical format: 

So that is 9 more books. 

Moving on to the Balance part of the day.

I am doing great, the free books do not count! I am doing very well for this first month of the year.

How is your book-buying habit going?

Let me know, see you later guys. Stay safe, stay healthy!


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