The eyes of the dragon

 Author: Stephen King 

Genre: Fantasy

Original publication date: February 2, 1987

Book description: A kingdom is in turmoil as the old king dies, murdered by a strange and horrible poison. While the land of Delain mourns, the evil wizard Flagg, hatches an unscrupulous plot, which sees the King's eldest son Peter imprisoned for his father's murder, and the youngest son inherit the throne. Only Peter knows the truth about his own innocence and the evil that is Flagg. Only Peter can save Delain from the horror that Flagg has in store. But first, he must escape from the high tower


This is a good book. It takes a bit to get into it, but overall it's easy, or let's say not something too complicated. The world has soft magic, it is not very explained and doesn't have strict rules on how it works. We have a huge page count on napkins, if you have read it you will understand. 

This is a bit of a mix between a little plot and a lot of character focus. We follow both princes of Delain, first as they are growing up. They seem ok. I was unable to connect too much to either one. They are both very annoying to me, but I really wanted to see the resolution of the crime.

As the book description spoils, Peter the firstborn and the favorite of the sons are unable to take the crown as he is framed for the murder of the King. 

The whole story takes place over a span of a few years. We see both princes grow up and how they behave among their people and family for a little bit. I did pick this up in audio format, but from one chapter to the next we change from POVs a lot. If you are not having a great time with it, bear with it, after you get into it like halfway through it might get better. The reason I finished this quickly was because it was an easy read and that I wanted to see the whole thing unfold. The mystery and the question of how the truth would be revealed. 

Overall it was a good story but as I was not in love with the characters and the pacing was a  bit off. The 3/4s of the book was slow, with bits of nothing we just followed a few characters around in their lives and then bam one thing after the other -End. 

The ending again is the one section I was a bit underwhelmed, but I don't hate it and am happy to have read it. 

I gave it 

Not sure why I am rambling so much, lets leave it at this for now. Do let me know if you have read it and what you thought of it. See you later and stay safe!


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