Cuentos escogidos

Author: Mario Benedetti
First Published: July 1998
Genre: Short Stories
Book description (from Good Reads): Compiled by the author, this selection of short stories represents all of the stages of Benedetti's life and the wide range of interests he has. From the anti-bureaucratic stories that characterized him at first to the ingenious and intensive texts he has published recently. A bonus is the narration of Benedetti, as he tells a story the way only he can!

There are several stories, some were fantastic, others were enjoyable but not all of them were memorable, again this is only my opinion. 
* El presupuesto or The Budget 3.75
 *Familia Iriarte or The Iriarte Family 2.5
* Los pocillos 2.0
* Réquiem con tostadas: 3.75
* Los bomberos or the firemen: 3.0.
* La expresión: the expression 2.0
* La noche de los feos the night of the ugly: 2.75
* Miss Amnesia or Mrs A
mnesia 3.0
* De puro distraído or distracted 2.0
* Jules y Jim or Jules and Jim 2.5
* La sirena viuda The widow siren 3.0
* El hombre que aprendió a ladrar or the man who learned to bark 3.5
* El sexo de los ángeles or Angel's sex 2.75
* Mucho gusto or nice to meet you I don't really remember.
* Un boliviano con salida al mar or a Bolivian with way to the sea 2.0
* Lingüistas or linguists 3.0
* Todo lo contrario or complete opposites 3.0
* Maison Lucrèce: 3.0

This book was picked to check the category of reading a book by a Spanish/Latin author.


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