
Author: Michael Crichton 

Genre: Mystery/Suspense
Original publication date: 1994
Book description (from Good Reads): 
Thomas Sanders' world collapses in just 24 hours - he is passed over for promotion, his new woman boss comes on to him during a drink after work, then, the next morning, he learns that she has accused him of sexually harassing her. She demands his transfer, thereby threatening to cut him off from the millions he would have made when his high-tech company was floated on the stock market.

So this is a very gripping story. It begins with a bang. A man who is sexually harassed by an ex-girlfriend who arrives in the company he is currently working for. The very first day she is announced as the new boss. He is thrown head first into a series of unpleasant situations. It is unheard of to place a complaint about sexual harassment by a female aggressor. 
But behind the scenes, there is a series of events that kept disclosing a much more serious matter than simple job snatching as he initially assumed.  

The story is gripping, since the beginning, it starts with everything against the main character, everyone turns against him. He is, after all, facing allegations of sexually harassing a woman, of being a misogynist man who is trying to get a woman fired because he cannot stand her as his boss. It is very interesting. 
Not necessarily too long but in the middle part, it was very annoying just when everything seems to be going downhill too fast. But it was a quick read.

There were some things I did not enjoy, for example, the end, but nothing is perfect. Also during the read everything was annoying but not due to writing style but the way people were reacting and behaving, it was bordering on too much bad luck happening, and then to immediately be turned.... oh well it was just not my favorite part the ending but oh well. 


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