1000 door readathon announcement and start

 This is a choose your own adventure style readathon hosted by Emma from Drinking by my shelf, Meg from Megwithbooks, and Tazmyn from TeaBooksandTazmyn with a few guest hosts helping out. You can find one of the announcement videos here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUdbHSGLjnY

How it works?

It is a month-long readathon, with the opportunity to win prizes. The prizes can be candles from the online shop Grace and Honey ran by Becca from Beccaandthebooks. I am sincerely not going to race to complete this and win the prices but I want to play. I love the choose your own adventure TBR games. 

The lovely part of this readathon: 

-DNF is allowed

-Prompts open for interpretation

-Can be achieved by existing TBR, no need to go for specific books.

This is the formula for the perfect Readathon!

There are 3 possible starts. We are encouraged to watch each one and select our start point. In the video, we have two main parts. 

1. The first provides you the prompt. 

2. Select your book based on your interpretation of the prompt. Leave the video in that part until the book is finished.

3. Go back to the video and see the second part of it. You get a few inquiries about your experience (DNF also gets a specific response) and from there you are guided to another door. 

4. Go to that door and get the prompt again. Read the book, return to the video, and through the inquires again be guided to the next door. 

This sounds like such an amazing ride to follow. 

Here is the link to each of the possible starts:

Meg's: https://youtu.be/ofvTnRJhLPM 

Prompt: Meme.
The chosen Meme is this one "Ahh, its history."
From there you will pick a book that fits the vibe you get from that Meme. A very broad option.
It can be interpreted as an iconic scene.
A historical fiction
A book that has become an icon for posterity.
A fantasy story inspired by a historical setting.
Many possible options really.

Prompt: Book that feels like the show Breaking Bad
It can be a related theme featuring drugs. 
It can contain the found family aspect.
It can be a story with a strong student-teacher or strong mentor figure.

Prompt: FIVE
Whatever interpretation you want to give it.
For example the 5th book in a series. Or a book from a 5 book series.
A 5-star prediction.
Contains the number 5 in the title or book series.
The 5th book in your TBR or a stack of books. Hell even drawing 5 random book titles from a TBR jar or whatever way you want to use the number for. 

I will start in Emma's prompt and use one of the books already in my TBR, the 5th wave by Rick Yancey.  

Feel free to follow this readathon, you can also follow the readathon activities, there will be live shows and a Twitter handle you can follow to interact with the rest of the community. 

This follows the story of Casy, a young girl who has survived the invasion from an alien race to the planet. She is alone and willing to do anything necessary to save her little brother. She meets a fellow survivor. We also follow another group of teenagers who are saved and trained by the army to fight back against the 5th wave of the invasion. 


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