The reread book tag

I found this tag flying around. As usual, no one tagged me specifically. I just feel like taking part in it, this one is just a fun little way to start conversations. 

Original Video:
Scallydandling about the books: 

1. Let's assume you do reread if you're doing this tag. So where do you sit on the rereading scale from "almost never" to "all the time"? 
I reread pretty often. I include at least 1 reread every month 
2. Has that changed over your reading life? 
It did change. A few years ago I had very few books so it was rare for me to read very new books. I used to reread all the time. 85% of my yearly books were reread. Since 2018 in which I started to read more and actively look for books to expand my reading, well that percentage flipped. 

3. When do you reread? Maybe immediately after finishing a book or not till years later? Or when the mood strikes? 
I reread depending on mood. But I dod make a system, I reread certain books throughout the year. Each year I have a list of books to reread but if I fancy a story I try to find a time to pick up the book again and reread.

4. Why do you reread books? 
I reread when I really like a story. Other times when a plot twist/reveal is exceptional that I wish to read it again with this knowledge as it will shape the story differently. 

5. How do you reread? Faster, slower, just the best bits? 
My rereads are depending on the mood, sometimes I want a slow read something to pick only a few minutes a day with no hurry between other much more intense stories. Generally, I reread faster. But I do not put that much attention to my reading pace in rereads. 

6. Who or what do you reread, more specifically? Which authors or genres or individual books? 
I reread everything. I tend to rotate to my own books so that limits the rereads to my physical TBR or Audiobooks. It is rare for me to read a digital ebook. 

7. Is there a book that you found better when you reread it? 
Yes, sometimes I enjoy books better the second me around. The perfect example is a few fantasy books I had issues to get into, I read Brandon Sanderson Warbreaker and the first time it was a chore. The second time I read it, I loved it! This is a great fantasy standalone story. 

8. And one that was worse? 
On the other hand, some lose their appeal once the surprise is taken away. The most recent reread the daughter of smoke and bone by Laini Taylor. It seems the second time I tried to read it, it was simply ok, not the awesome story I first experienced. It is a fantasy YA romance, showing us very interesting magic, angels, chimeras, and a group of characters showing a cute found family. But it failed to be outstanding. 

9. Which one book have you reread most times?

This could be one of the veterans in my library. And I have reread this at least once every year since I got it in 2006. It is likely that I have not read any other story more than this one. A mystery legal thriller. 

That was the tag. Let me know how do you stand on rereads, that's it for now. See you later
Stay safe!


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