End of the year book tag

 This is maybe a bit late. I have seen this tag going around on YouTube for a little while now. So I took it upon myself to try it.

Questions: Are there any books you started this year that you need to finish?

I have started several but the ones I am working on getting through The way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. This epic fantasy series everyone has read already. So I want to jump to the hype, I have read maybe 100 pages, and its 1200ish pages, so I have made very small insignificant progress. We have a war, a king was killed and now e have soldiers, slaves and still not sure what's going on.

Do you have an autumnal book to transition into the end of the year?

Not really, also right now it is halfway through November, and in my area, the temperature is still 20°C most days, so for me, it is still not very autumn but oh well. I never read seasonally so I have never tried to find a book to fit any season.

Is there a new release you're still waiting for?

The book that comes to mind is Ready Player two by Ernest Cline . After winning James Halliday’s contest, Wade Watts finds another easter egg hidden in Halliday’s vaults – a technological advance leagues ahead of the OASIS. Wade and his friends must solve this new riddle in a plot eerily reminiscent of the first book. I am not sure what to expect but I wish to get to it.

What are three books you want to read before the end of the year? 

I really need to finish a few series before the end of the year. The liveship by Robin Hobb and for that I still have the last two books. We follow the Verstrit family ship Vivaeca, a pirate king to be and few family dramas. It is a very promising series I just need to make myself get to it.

The other series I want to finish is the Greatcoats by Sebastien de Castell. We follow Falcio and his friends, the surviving Greatcoats. After their king was killed and their group was disbanded they have wondered about the country, being hated by the townspeople and the dukes as they represent what they hated about the late King. Now they are trying to get the last order they received and it is just getting complicated and more complicated.

Is there a book you think could still shock you and become your favorite book of the year? 

I am anticipating loving the liveship trader books and the way of Kings was included in my 5-star predictions, so I hope to have a few new favorite series. 

Have you already started making reading plans for 2021?

I am a bit exaggerated, but I already have a list of books I will get to 2021. I have a few projects that will carry on to the next year so I have books set up to read from Jan to Dec 2021. I have a lot of plans, now I am wondering if that is realistic or not.

Ok, I am already a bit behind in my reading for November, but let's not dwell on that. For now, this is it, I'll try to pick up my pace and finish my current books to try to catch up to the ones I was supposed to get to last week and prepare a new list to read for the current week. 

I generally pick what I'll read Sunday and try to get it done during the weekdays as it's when I do most of my reading. I know I am one of those odd people who reads the least during the weekends. 

See you later, stay safe!


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