Inuyasha update


Author: Rumiko Takahashi

Series: Volumes 9 and 10

Original Publication date: 2001

Book description: Kagome a high school living a normal life in the company of her family is transported to Feudal Japan where demons still roam the land. She discovers she is the reincarnation of Kikyo, a priestess that was guarding the Shikon No Tama a very sought-after jewel with mystical powers. 

Accidentally Kagome shatters the jewel and it's scattered throughout the land. Now Kagome must find the jewel before it lands in the wrong hands. 


This time I have read very little so I am going to make a review of only two volumes. As I have mentioned before, there is no way to do a review even if I am vague in the adventures the gang faces it is spoilers obviously. 

Volume 9

The gang continues the fight against Kana and Kagura Naraku's underlings. The townspeople are still being used as a human shield as Inuyasha can't fight without the risk of killing them accidentally. When the fight is almost over Naraku shows up. The whole team is pretty beat down. 

Everyone ends up hurt but mainly Inuyasha. He still goes out of his way to meet with Kikyo. And of course, Inuyasha is found by Kagome, she feels depressed by Inuyasha's lingering feeling for the dead Miko. She is angry at him again and of course, they skip the simple solution. They could simply talk to each other and their drama would be skipped but they don't. Oh well, that is only annoying. 

The next attack comes again from another demon sent by Naraku, he is a human-eating monster. In their fight, Inuyasha's sword is broken and another detail about Inuyasha is discovered. 

Toutousai is approached to fix the sword. Inuyasha provides a fang to use in the new sword. Myoga and Toutousai provide an explanation for the haflbreeds transformation during the previous fight. Teseiga has another use other than fight with. It was made to protect Inuyasha. 

Sesshoumaru also comes into the picture. He gets a special sword made for him. It does not end up as planned initially. A new sword is a dark object that has its own blood lust. The sword's main objective is to have revenge upon Inuyasha as he was killed by him. As usual, the bad luck for the gang, it is the new moon when the dark sword decides to attack them. Inuyasha is vulnerable and the whole team is forced to try to fight and protect him. 

The sword survives after the demon who was wielding it was obliterated. Just then Sesshoumaru came upon them as well. He takes the sword, the big brother is puzzled by the halfbreed. There are secrets he doesn't know about Inuyasha and he seems intrigued by it. 

As usual, their fights come to a close before they can actually end. I wonder why Sesshomaru always lets Inuyasha escape when he has the upper hand. Inuyasha though, the few occasions he is winning does not seem t hesitate, if Sesshoumaru doesn't retreat would the half-demon finish him off? 

And to add to the drama Koga shows up. 

Volume 10

Koga aids the gang in fighting the new yokai Naraku sent. They are very fast and strong. Inuyasha and Koga struggle during the fight. 

Even after the fight, Inuyasha is not happy as usual Koga and his praise for Kagome. She leaves for her own time. This volume has a lot of personal drama. We see jealousy and Kagome has a lot of personal struggles. 

We have other struggles as Kohaku shows up. Sango and the gang take him in but they continue to fear it's a trap. As usual, Naraku is just as obsessed with them but they continue to meet fight and run.

Trouble does find them every other day. And Inuyasha loses control, in that precise instant Sesshoumaru shows up. It ends with the brothers facing off.

I am enjoying my time reading this manga. I am looking forward to reading the rest.


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