October Readathons To Consider

1-7 AYearathon(Thrillers) 
  • Theme: Thrillers
  • Challenge: Big books (400+ pages)
1-31 Boo Too You Readathon
Theme Disney and Halloween  
  • Madame Leota's Library: read a book that you think belongs in the library at the Haunted Mansion.
  • Your Park-Inspired Costume: read a book that inspired something in the Disney parks OR that is inspired by the Disney parks.
  • Candy Cauldron / Pumpkin Spice: read a book that's sweet and cozy and perfect for fall.
  • Impressions de France Group Read: my brother Athos & I will be reading and discussing the French mystery classic Monsieur Le Coq by Émile Gaboriau.
1-31 BYOBthon 
Each week has a new host and theme - and a TON of challenges - you can pick and choose which challenges or themes you want to try.

1-31 OWNtober
◊ Post a blogpost saying you’ll be joining me in my battle against the ever-growing physical TBR-piles and pingback to this post.
◊ Share your list of all the books you own and then decide which ones you’re going to read first.
If you can’t figure out a sequence for yourself, you can always start a poll and let others help you out!
◊ If you’re sharing your updates on social media, use #OWNtober so we can follow up on each other!

1-31 Frightfall

#FrightFall #Readathon - Starting line! #SomethingWickedFall

Read along Something Wicked this way comes by Ray Bradbury
And a watch along of the movie on October 27th.
The one main "rule" of FrightFall is that you must read ONE scary book (which can be a thriller, mystery, Gothic novel, or similar for those who are faint of heart).
8-14 Magical Readathon Extra Credit
Charms Extra Credit main coursework: 
  •  Alohamora, read a book that's first in a series 
  •  Accio, book that's top of your TBR 
  • Incendio, words 'fire' or 'flame' in the title/series name, or flame picture on the cover 
  • Rictusempra, book that 'tickles you the right way' (exciting trope/theme/genre) 
  • Lumos, book with a light cover
8-14 YA-a-thon 

8-14 Duodecathon
You pick one challenge every Duodecathon to complete out of the list of 12 challenges, so by the end you will have completed all the challenges:
2018 Challenges

  • - Read 1,200 pages
  • Read the second book in a series
  • - A book about a villain/antihero
  • - A book published the year you were born
  • - A 2018 bestseller
  • - An award winning book
  • - A book with multiple points of view
  • - A book with antonyms in the title
  • - A banned book
  • - A book with a great first line
  • - A "high school" book you haven't read
  • - A book recommended by someone in the Duodecathon group (one of the threads is where you can post recommendations)

12-19 MateAThon


  • Firstly, each challenge is themed around Australian Stereotypes.
  • The Reading Challenges are optional. You can choose to do none, do a couple or do them all, it’s up to you. You are also welcome to use 1 book for 1 or 2 challenges, but no more than 2.

  1. Only cook on a ‘Barbie’: Read a book with food on the cover
  2. We all eat Vegemite for breakfast, lunch & dinner: Read a book with black on the cover
  3. F*ck it’s hot: Read a hot recent release
  4. All the native animals want to kill/eat us: Read a book about assassins
  5. MATE: Read a book that has the letters M, A, T & E somewhere on the cover
  6. We ride Kangaroos to school: Read a book set in school/uni/college
13-31 StrangeAThon

Challenges: 1.Deathly Time: A book where Death plays a big part. 2.Thriller Killer: Read a thrilling book. 3.Halloween Icon: Read a book with a pumpkin, ghost, bat, black cat or a witch on the cover. Just something iconic to Halloween.
4.The Stella Special: Read a book with part of skeleton on it. 5.Summer Slasher: Read a Spooky book set in Summer. 6.Horror Monster: A creature often found in horror as the villain. From witches, to vampires, to the mortal serial killer if you can justify you can have it.
7. Gives Chills: A book with a summary that freaks you out or contains something that freaks you out. 8. Tales from the Grave: Read a short Story collection. 9. Setting Fun: Read a book with typical spooky place e.g. Graveyard, Haunted House, the Woods, abandon building etc.10. Blood Red: Read a book with a red or orange cover. 11. Darkness Within: Read a book in the dark or darker conditions than usual. (Set a mood basically). 12. Striking Words: Read a book solely based on the title.
13.Lucky Number: Read a book with 13 Chapters or has 13 in the title. Bonus The F-Up: Accidentally pick a book that doesn’t fit any challenges.

14-20 Ebokathon

15-21 Spookathon 
1. read a thriller 
2. read a book with purple on the cover 
3. read a book not set in the current time period 
4. read a book with a spooky word in the title 
5. read a book with pictures
- This time of year is all about preparing for the dark, and gathering enough harvest for winter, read a book that is bound to make you warm and happy. 
- Light a candle for your ancestors, and read by candlelight. This is a time for honoring our kin. 
- Samhain is more widely known as Halloween🎃 read a spooky horror/thriller novel! 
- The veil between worlds is thinnest, read a book that has paranormal elements. 
- In honor of your ancestors, read a book that features your ethnic heritage. 
- Every witch needs their coven, buddy read a book! 
- Read the group book, The Girl Who Drank The Moon


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