The Graveyard Book

Author: Neil Gaiman 

307 pages
First Published: September 2008
Genre: Paranormal
Book description (from Good Reads): After the grisly murder of his entire family, a toddler wanders into a graveyard where the ghosts and other supernatural residents agree to raise him as one of their own.
Nobody Owens, known to his friends as Bod, is a normal boy. He would be completely normal if he didn't live in a sprawling graveyard, being raised and educated by ghosts, with a solitary guardian who belongs to neither the world of the living nor of the dead. There are dangers and adventures in the graveyard for a boy. But if Bod leaves the graveyard, then he will come under attack from the man Jack—who has already killed Bod's family.

Points to Consider

  1. Characters: 8.0
    1. Nobody (Bod) is a very active and curious kid, then teen. He is a bit problematic because he is curious and loves the idea of the outside of his world (the graveyard). 
    2. The Owens are an interesting couple and its funny to see them trying to raise the living baby. The other ghosts are also very interesting, they have their own story and even if they do not have huge development they are already dead so obviously, we can't expect them to have much personal growth.
    3. The other kids from the school, the typical bully and kids who are bullied. And the one friend Bod found. A girl who believes him, who is not overly surprised by his story and tries to help him. She is a typical girl but there are things she can't accept, maybe with time, or maybe not. I personally do not like her all that much.
    4. The Jacks were not the most intelligent evil guys, also they do not have anything endearing characteristic. Mr Frost is very likable when he is introduced to the story. 
  2. Plot: 8.0
    1. The typical troupe of a kid prophesied to do something great and the evil guy trying to get rid of him before he was able to accomplish his fate. 
    2. The story takes place across several years, but you get only a few snips of time, giving you just enough to get the idea of how life in a graveyard was possible. 
    3. There was not a very developed plot it was more focused on Bod then on the development of the fate, he was destined to accomplish on his adulthood. 
    4. The world of the ghosts is interesting and the other beings are not too explained. The fact that it is a middle-grade book might influence the way the story is displayed.
    5. I do not like the ending! Spoiler, spoiler not a happy ending.
  3. Logic: 7.5
    1. The fact that a baby is able to be touched and learn the ways of the ghosts at least is explained because when the baby is first accepted on the graveyard is granted those powers but only on the graveyard. Therefore the fact that sometimes Bod is able to use those ghostly does not make sense so much. 
    2. Bod can't tell anyone or show he was raised by the ghosts of the graveyard or the powers they had taught him. Except for once, the girl he meets and he befriends. 
  4. Writing Style: 9.0
  5. Intrigue: 7.5 
    1. Most of the story feels like a simple life of a kid who's only difference is that his parents have been dead for a few decades or hundred years. 
    2. The ending was not as fulfilling as I wanted, but I guess that its because even if it's a middle-grade book the author did not want to not fall in the typical everybody lived happily ever after. 
  6. Intention: 8.0 
    1. Lesson taught-Running away and trying to scare the bullies is not the best solution to stop the bullied kids from suffering at school. 
    2. Lesson two: unfortunately some people can't look over certain actions, they might not understand the fact sometimes you have to make difficult decisions and they can't be undone; so even if they like you or are your friends not everybody can accept you knowing your faults or the things that you have done that you're not proud of. If they can't then too bad, the world continues you must accept it and let them walk out.
  7. Enjoyment: 8.5

Total Score: 56.0
Average: 8.0
Star Rating: 4.0

Accomplished challenges:

  • Boo To You Readathon
    • Candy Caldron
  • Strange a thon
    • Something fun- Read a book with a spooky place ex. graveyard, haunted house, the woods, an abandoned building, etc.
  • Spookathon
    • Read a book with pictures.


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