The Mist

Stephen King
230 pages
Genre: Horror, Thriller, Sci-fi
Date fist published: 1980
Book Description (From Good Reads): It's a hot, lazy day, perfect for a cookout, until you see those strange dark clouds. Suddenly a violent storm sweeps across the lake and ends as abruptly and unexpectedly as it had begun. Then comes the mist...creeping slowly, inexorably into town, where it settles and waits, trapping you in the supermarket with dozens of others, cut off from your families and the world. The mist is alive, seething with unearthly sounds and movements. What unleashed this terror? Was it the Arrowhead Project---the top secret government operation that everyone has noticed but no one quite understands? And what happens when the provisions have run out and you're forced to make your escape, edging blindly through the dim light?

  1. Characters: 8.5
    1. For the main characters, I have issues like they are annoying in a way. The kid is fearful, he's represented ok, but he is annoying like every child in a scary or stressful situation he does not know how to read the situation and is just in the way. He annoys me greatly.
    2. Our main character, the father of said annoying kid has huge flaws. I mean really do you need to be sexually aroused in that kind of situations? And then be like I'm worried about my wife, I feel that something is not right, I have a feeling... You can't really expect me to believe that you feel oh so much for your wife and yet do the shitty things he does.
    3. The old witch, it kind of doesn't make sense how someone can be that fanatic, I mean yeah the end of the world or what it looks like but you don't go around saying what she does. She can't possibly care about someone dearly and then not 12 hours later want them dead and incite others to kill them. 
    4. To summarize it all, I think they were all well made except the husband to wife and how he supposedly feels like. And the rest of the characters, the other who acted selfishly, the others who acted cowardly, I don't like but it does make sense; people who are found in difficult situations and have to choose between themselves and others usually take the most self-serving decisions and don't care about the rest of the people. I just don't like that kind of people.
  2. Plot: 8.0
    1. There are several questions still left at the end of the book such as: where do the things come from? What were they really? I mean the people in town had several theories but it never was proved to be one or the other. Did the rest of the county, state, anywhere else had the monsters show up? A lot of the questions that arise during the read are not addressed and I know its because of the way the story was designed, we only see the POV of our main character so we only know what he does. But still, it would have been nice to find out more.
    2. The way people are desperate and the decisions they make, it nicely takes you forward, it creates nice developments and the fact that some crazy decisions happen while in duress I guess it makes sense really. 
  3. Logic: 8.5
    1. The people are trapped in something they had never seen before, it is logical that they refuse to believe what's going on at first. It is annoying that they are so dense and stubborn in their idea of that not happening but oh well. It really is instinct to try to deny what frightens you in hopes of making it disappear. 
    2. The crazy we´re all dead situations do make people believe in all crazy things and that applies especially to religious bizarre beliefs. The fact that people are more likely to believe in god and punishment while there are monsters and all kind of illogical things going on, that's understandable even if I wished it weren't. People really need to stop becoming religous and believers of hol divene power when bad things happen because instead of trying to help out they become the worst kind of companions. 
  4. Intrigue: 10.0
    1. It took me a little bit to get into the story, but as soon as I did I could not put it down. I just needed to continue reading to find out what they would face next, to see the discovery that would shake their world. Very intriguing indeed.
  5. Intention: 10.0
    1. The intention here, if you don't read too deeply, is to see that the world is changing and for the most part is because of what we do. I do not see that the creatures, the things they were experiencing was really a religious action. Or if it was, it only came to because of the actions of people.
    2. The lessons we are given is more like nothing and no one is perfect because your characters are introduced you begin to like them then they do something stupid and they fall from your grace. I mean they are human and obviously not perfect but even when they think all is lost and dead is a very possible consequence they still behave as they truly are. They do not become selfless and helpful to one another; instead, they become more selfish, more aggressive, more hateful and their worst shows up. The might feel guilty about not helping someone but they do not risk themselves easily for the sake of others, not unless they think they have something to gain. Oh yeah human nature, in times of need the worst does come to the surface.
  6. Writing Style: 9.5
    1. Can't say the author has a bad writing style but sometimes like in most books, something seems to drag and slow the pace of the story. The inconclusive ending that is present in most of his stories continues to annoy me greatly.
  7. Enjoyment: 10.0 

Total Score: 64.5
Average: 9.2
Star rating: 5.0

Used to cover challenges: 

  • Frightfall - Read one Scary book can be a thriller, mystery or gothic and if you stretch it, it can be the book for the
  • BYOBThon creature week. It definitely has some sort of creature featured.


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