The Raven King

Maggie Stiefvater
438 pages
Genre: Magical Realism
Date First Published: April 2016
Book description: Nothing living is safe.  Nothing dead is to be trusted.  For years,  Gansey has been on a quest to find a lost king.  One by one,  he's drawn others into this quest: Roman, who steals from dreams; Adam,  whose life is no longer his own; Noah,  whose life is no longer a life;  and Blue,  who loves Gansey.... And is certain she is destined to kill him.  Now the endgame has begun.  Dreams and nightmares are converging. Love and loss are inseparable. And the quest refuses to be pinned to a path.

  1. Characters: 10.0 
    1. The characters are the ones I already adore so I love them all and can't complain much.
    2. There is really no character growth throughout the series except for the Raven Boys to grow a little more mature and more sure of their friendship and more self-assured.
  2. Plot 10.0
    1. This is the fourth book in the series so the story is tidying up real nice and getting ready for the closing so it moves at a nice pace and gives you the last details you needed to get the whole picture.
    2. The ending of their search is not what you would have expected which gives you a whoa now what for a little while but in the end, you just love the way it all turned out. 
    3. The way the relationships end up developing is lovely. 
  3. Intrigue 10.0
    1. The book is already aking you anxious because come on, it has been 3 books and you still are not sure where to find the King. It has been a long wait.
    2. It is almost too much that the book is kind of long and if you can't read fast enough it becomes kind of annoying that you don't reach the end; the waiting makes things seem slow and even if a lot happens in the pages you just need to get to the final page in order to get to the resolution of the quest. 
  4. Logic 9.5
    1. Magical logic seems to elude me and it is interesting the logic the magical forest has.
    2. The dreamer and his dream objects are still not fully comprehensive to me, even if we do get a nice look into the logic of one of the dream people, it is still weird. I don't know really what it could all mean. Do the powers dreamers have to curse them as well as favor them? Because there was a bad consequence to Ronan near the end and is it immediately fixed or does he need to have a recovery time?
    3. The last bit of someone who is kind of like animal and dream other than Ronan is still unexplained to me and I don't understand what it could mean.
    4. All in all, I don't have a problem with it, but maybe just a tiny bit of unanswered plot details.
  5. Writing Style: 10.0
    1. I enjoy the writing style, it is not overly simplistic. The multiple perspectives give you something to look forward to. I especially enjoyed the ones from the magical forest, and from Opal.
  6. Intention 10.0
  7. Enjoyment 10.0 
    1. Maybe my enjoyment of this world and its characters cloud my judgment but it was awesome really. 

Total score: 69.5
Average: 9.92
Star rating: 5.0
Accomplished challenges: Well none of the readathon challenges needed this book I simply use it as my reread of this month. 


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