
Author: Amy Tintera
Series Title: Reboot
In Spanish translated by Sonia Verjovsky Paul 
Spanish version published Oceano Express: April 2018
First Published: May 2014
Genre: Sci-Fi, Dystopia
Book Description (from Good Reads): 
Wren Connolly thought she'd left her human side behind when she dies five years ago and came back 178 minutes later as a Reboot. With her new abilities of strength, speed, and healing—along with a lack of emotions—Wren 178 became the perfect soldier for HARC (Human Advancement and Repopulation Corporation). Then Callum 22 came along and changed everything.
Now that they've both escaped, they're ready to start a new life in peace on the Reboot reservation. But Micah 163, the Reboot running the reservation, has darker plans in mind: to wipe out the humans. All of them. Micah has been building a Reboot army for years and is now ready to launch his attack on the cities. Callum wants to stick around and protect the humans. Wren wants nothing more than to leave all the fighting behind them.
With Micah on one side, HARC on the other, and Wren and Callum at odds in the middle, there's only one option left...
It's time for Reboots to become rebels.

Fun fact: I bought this book in Spanish while I was out with a friend. We were wasting time in a bookstore while we waited for other people and went to get dinner. So I saw it and even after reading the description in the back I did not realize there was a book one. I thought that this was book one. Ok I'll admit I did not read the book description I read the front cover and it said
"I was dead 178 minutes.I am not ready to die again."

For some reason, I thought this was the book Reboot but I guessed that in Spanished they had changed the name. It happens, so yeah I had to order Reboot. So now Reboot I own in English and the second book in Spanish Rebeldes. Awesome I definately don't mind, they kind of match but when reading them its kind of weird because you get used to a language and a certain vocabulary now you get a whole new set.

Things to consider:

  1.  Plot: 8.0
    1. The story moves forward much faster than the first book maybe because the fighting has begun for real this time. We get introduced to a lot of new people in very little pages, we find friends, foes and sometimes it gets hard for Wren and Callum to know which is which.
    2. We see human nature reflected very realistically in various points of the story. People who selflessly lend a helping hand to others without hesitation (Callum) expects the same but most people are selfish and are more willing to take the helping hand offered to them; but as soon as the tables turn they would rather face the other way feigning inability to help. They make up whichever excuse they can find in order to not take any risks themselves. 
    3. One of the more interesting additions to the story was the situation of the Reboot rebels. The creation of them, fomenting the reproduction of Reboots, almost wanting to force the "lower" female numbers to hurry up and get to it. It seems that even in a dystopian after death state men can still be misogynist and expect women to simply go ahead and reproduce for the sake of the race. What a huge crap that is. 
    4. The downside, the book is short so the fighting, the risks they need to take, everything seems to just happen and a huge lucky stars following them. Yes they do face problems but everything works out practically since battle one. Wren is just so good, everybody just wants to follow her, she has the best luck in the world and so does Callum. In some parts it seems that an issue is going to happen and yet is solved almost instantly or at least with too much ease, it seems just like the problem was placed simply as a plot addition.
  2. Characters: 9.0
    1. Callum and Wren are forced to take a deeper look in their feelings for one another they must decide if staying together is what they want and they are forced by circumstance to actually look at the other person's faults as well. You can't say you love someone if you simply see what you want them to be, you must be able to see them for who they really are and that implies accepting them with their faults and past actions. There is growth in them as individuals and as a couple.
    2. Micah is not very developed and it could have been so much better if he was more flushed out but he represented a good obstacle in for the Reboots.
    3. A lot of other characters are introduced and most simply to play a specific part.
    4. David, Callum's brother seems like a good kid still wanting his older brother in his life and worrying about him. The rest of the family, the parents, well at the beginning their attitude makes sense and then they fall in the "it was simply a plot point thing" discussed above. 
  3. Logic: 8.0
    1. The Reboot's hate humans, the humans hate Reboots make sense, everyone distrust what they don't know. Some simply want to expect the best of others, fine, that kind of people exist as well.
    2. Mad men usually arrive at the top and stay there through fear and violence, history has taught us that happens more often than not. What does not make so much sense is that people who are living under such conditions, who are so convinced of the way of their leader as being the only way, the majority does not easily turn towards another person for leadership.
    3. I still do not understand the fact that the more time you sped dead you are less human even if the end eas reached, what does having more physical advantages have to do with having less emotions, I just think that maybe the Reboots were supposed to be more logical but then again take a look at Micah he was a high number and he was driven by rage and vengeance. So that is not always true. My conclusion is that Reboot can control his emotions better and take a look in things more logical, but it is a choice, a choice that can be made by humans as well, it is simply a matter of self-control nothing more.
  4. Writing Style: 9.0
    1. The writing was not bad, the story was much more fast-paced than the previous book and even if it was a translation it was still very well done.
  5. Intrigue: 8.0
  6. Intention: 8.0
    1. You can't hate someone for being different.
    2. A person who is born a certain way, or in this case reborn, are not inherenthly evil and violent. Just like simply because the people who are like you (human) are not all good. It is in human nature to distrust everything they do not know, but that does not mean that it is ok simply because many people feel or behave that way. Discrimination is wrong, no matter who it is coming from, as the minority it is also wrong to hate the other people it is just as wrong, just because many discriminate against you that does not mean everyone is like that. This book takes it to the extreme, kind of (it has happened just take a look in our history), you can't solve your issue by killing all those who are different from you because they hate you (or so you assume). Killing them before they try to kill you is not a solution, violence hate and discrimination do not solve anything they create more fo the same
  7. Enjoyment: 8.5

Total Score: 58.5
Average: 8.3 
Star Rating: 4.0

Used to accomplish challenges:

  • MateAthon
    • All the native Animals want to kill us- Read a book about assassins.
    • Mate- Read a book with the letters M, A, T, E somewhere on the cover.
  • Intended to use it for the YA-a-thon Read a sequel challenge but did not finish it on time.


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