Dissapointing reads of the week

The Siren 

Author: Kiera Cass
Genre: YA Fantasy
Original Publication date: July 2009
Book Description (from Good Reads): "You must never do anything that might expose our secret. This means that, in general, you cannot form close bonds with humans. You can speak to us, and you can always commune with the Ocean, but you are deadly to humans. You are, essentially, a weapon. A very beautiful weapon. I won't lie to you, it can be a lonely existence, but once you are done, you get to live. All you have to give, for now, is obedience and time..."
The same speech has been given hundreds of times to hundreds of beautiful girls who enter the sisterhood of sirens. Kahlen has lived by these rules for years now, patiently waiting for the life she can call her own. But when Akinli, a human, enters her world, she can't bring herself to live by the rules anymore. Suddenly the life she's been waiting for doesn't seem nearly as important as the one she's living now.


The idea of how sirens come to be and their responsibilities, destiny, and soulmates. That part was awesome. But the characters, are not my favorite. The way a person who is over 80 years old, behaving as irrational and immature as a high school, doing stupid mistakes and just taking bad decisions that in the end simply look like they happen in order to get the story moving. 

This book was picked for the Scallywathon but it was a complete failure so it doesn't really count for it.

The Summer Tree 

Author: Guy Gavriel Kay
Genre: Fantasy
Original Publication date: January 1984
Book description (from Good Reads): Five men and women find themselves flung into the magical land of Fionavar, First of all Worlds. They have been called there by the mage Loren Silvercloak, and quickly find themselves drawn into the complex tapestry of events. For Kim, Paul, Kevin, Jennifer and Dave all have their own part to play in the coming battle against the forces of evil led by the fallen god Rakoth Maugrim and his dark hordes.


The story itself was interesting enough but maybe not for me. There is a lot of things going on, you are lost because the world is all new and things are not explained too much to the people who were transported there. The prince of that world is not very likable, actually, both princes are not to my liking, the mage is not someone who captures my interest or anything either. 
Definitely will not continue to read the series, I guess the style is not my thing too much, at least not in audio, there were too many people, too little explanations and it was just not enjoyable. I forced myself to finish it thinking it might get better but it never did. 

Not my cup of tea but at least I tried it.

This book was picked for the A book a week wit the Pingle sisters, read a book published the decade before you were born. 


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