The Perfect Mother

Author: Aimee Molloy
Genre: Mystery/Thriller
Publication date: May 2018
Book description (from Good Reads): They call themselves the May Mothers—a collection of new moms who gave birth in the same month. Twice a week, with strollers in tow, they get together in Prospect Park, seeking refuge from the isolation of new motherhood; sharing the fears, joys, and anxieties of their new child-centered lives.
When the group’s members agree to meet for drinks at a hip local bar, they have in mind a casual evening of fun, a brief break from their daily routine. But on this sultry Fourth of July night during the hottest summer in Brooklyn’s history, something goes terrifyingly wrong: one of the babies is abducted from his crib. Winnie, a single mom, was reluctant to leave six-week-old Midas with a babysitter, but the May Mothers insisted that everything would be fine. Now Midas is missing, the police are asking disturbing questions, and Winnie’s very private life has become fodder for a ravenous media.
Though none of the other members in the group are close to the reserved Winnie, three of them will go to increasingly risky lengths to help her find her son. And as the police bungle the investigation and the media begin to scrutinize the mothers in the days that follow, damaging secrets are exposed, marriages are tested, and friendships are formed and fractured.

So this book felt a bit long, it might be not necessarily due to the story itself but to the mindset, I was while trying to read this I was trying to get off the slump. 

The mothers described here were in part annoying and realistic as well. They all had their own issues, personally, everyone had a little mess in their mental health, in their personal lives while trying to deal with the huge change of motherhood.
I found most mother's not to my liking, no character was relatable, not big surprise that the story felt very long.

The huge twist was surprising, I was totally expecting something different. I was expecting the baby to turn up in a completely different way. The mother, the one who's child went missing, well she was not likable in my opinion and I was ready to picture her as the bad person, maybe acting out of desperation when she is alone with such a huge responsibility. 

All in all not a book for me.

I had this book picked to the Calendar of Crime for May, so because I never like to DNF but I did stop maybe a day or a few days rest before I had the wish to push through it to finish it. 


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